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The couple walked down the hallway of Su Tart's school, waving to the other couple who were also going into the dance. Before they entered the gym, they were stopped by another nerd.

"Hey, Su Tart! Who's this lovely lady?" the nerd asked the bacon boy.

"This is Tiffany! My girlfriend," Su Tart said. Tiffany smiled and waved at the nerd.

"Well, it's nice to meet you, Tiffany! Anyway, you two can go on in," the nerd told the couple. They made their way into the gym.

All around them, there were lights and streamers and balloons- even some photo booths. Tiffany squealed.

"We have to take picture," she told Su Tart.

"I didn't know you were so into picture-taking," Su Tart said.

"I like to take pictures for the memories! Even when I rob a bank, it's always nice to see my picture taken afterwards and shown on the TV!"

Su Tart was glad there was blasting music, otherwise, Tiffany would've been in big trouble.

A bunch of people were dancing, drinking punch, and taking selfies. The DJ was playing the Top Pop, which Su Tart had never listened to, but Tiffany obviously knew her jams, according to her sick dance moves and her singing-along.

A lot of people came up to Su Tart and Tiffany. Mostly nerds and other bacons, but also a lot of popular kids as well. They all wanted to know about Su Tart's new mysterious girlfriend.

After a couple of minutes of dancing, Tiffany pulled Su Tart to the side and to the photo booth. "Let's take pictures before we get any sweatier!" she told the boy as she pushed him into one of the photo booths.

"Uh- I've never taken pictures like this. What do I do?" Su Tart asked as Tiffany handed him a monocle on a plastic stick.

"We're taking funny pictures! Come on, put the monocle up to your face and make yourself look weird!" Tiffany explained as she took a moustache and put it to her nose.

Su Tart laughed and made a weird face as the photo booth took a picture. Tiffany then took the monocle and the moustache and put them back, then made a weird face without it. Su Tart copied the girl's actions and another photo was taken.

Tiffany then wrapped her arms around Su Tart's body and smiled at the camera. Su Tart blushed but did the same. The last picture was taken and they stepped outside to grab the pictures.

"I got us two," Tiffany said, pulling out two identical stripes of the photos and handing one to Su Tart. "So we can always have a memory of each other."

Su Tart smiled as he looked at their silly photos, but his favourite one was the last picture. He was then pulled again by Tiffany back to the dance floor.

As the two started to dance again, Su Tart noticed the friendly students who had invited him here in the first place.

"Hiya, Su Tart!" the anime girl said. 

"Hi, guys! Sorry I didn't accept your offer!" Su Tart told them.

"Oh, that's alright!" the nerd yelled to him through the loud music. "We don't mind! We just wanted to stop by and say hi!"

The gang then left Su Tart and Tiffany alone, but the bacon girl walked up to them and eyed Tiffany up and down.

"Are you Su Tart's date?" she asked Tiffany. Tiffany nodded.

"I am, in fact! I'm also his girlfriend!" Tiffany told the girl.

"Oh." The girl looked down at the floor, then gave Tiffany a weird-looking smile and held out her hand. "It's nice to meet you," she gritted through her teeth.

"A pleasure to you as well," Tiffany said, shaking the girl's hand furiously. The girl then walked away from the couple, looking like she was trying to hold back tears.

"What a weird girl," Tiffany said, shaking her head. "Too bad she can't have you. You're my senpai."

Su Tart laughed nervously at Tiffany's comment. They two continued to dance until Su Tart felt a cold tap on his shoulder.

"I swear, everybody always taps my shoulder and it's getting anno-" Su Tart said to Tiffany before squealing at the person that had tapped his shoulder.

"Hiya, Su Tart," the slender said coldly. He didn't even have to yell for Su Tart to hear him. The slender was also dressed up in a tuxedo, and his copy and paste girlfriend was wearing a long sparkly red dress with bright makeup to match.

"H-Hey!" Su Tart squealed. Tiffany almost growled at the slender. He noticed the girl and bent down to her.

"Well, aren't you a tough-looking girl? That outfit definitely suits your crazy personality," the slender said as his friends laughed at Tiffany. "What was your name again?"

"It's Tiffany," the girl said, holding out her hand for the slender to shake.

"Why, isn't that a coincidence? It's the same name as that serial killer on the loose- Tiffany Mayumi," he said looking at her hand.

The girl smiled. "A coincidence we have the same birthday, too," she told the slender. He smirked at the girl.

"Yes, a weird coincidence indeed," he agreed, laughing at the girl.

"Won't you shake my hand? It's rude to keep someone waiting," Tiffany said, smirking back at the boy. "Or are you scared that me and Tiffany Mayumi are blood-related?"

The boy gulped and his smirk quickly faded from his face. He hesitantly shook Tiffany's hand, then pulled away immediately. "Geez, you shake hard," he told the girl.

"Nice to finally meet my boyfriend's...acquaintances," Tiffany said to the group.

"Um...great to meet you too, I guess..." The slender said before giving Su Tart the death eye. 'You're dead ' he mouthed to the bacon boy, and Su Tart gulped. Then the group walked away from them.

Tiffany scowled once they were out of their sight. "Ugh, I should've done something to back you up!"

"It's alright. You wanna go get revenge now? There isn't much time left for the dance," Su Tart suggested.

"Do you guys still vote for  king and queen?" Tiffany asked her boyfriend. Su Tart nodded. "I want to stay to see who wins. It's always fun to guess who it'll be."

Su Tart smiled and nodded back at his girlfriend, and the two danced as they waited for the king and queen to be announced.

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