| 10 | (Finale)

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The two waited for everything around them to turn pitch black until they came out of the alleyway. Tiffany grabbed Su Tart's hand and pulled him on the side way.

"I know how to walk Tiff," Su Tart told his girlfriend.

"I know. But we're trying to rush out of here before the police get here."

"What if the police catch us?"

"Don't worry- They won't catch us. There are plenty of bacons in the Robloxian world. And I've been places where policeman are over the capacity- And they STILL haven't caught me," Tiffany assured him.

"I can't believe we're doing this. All because I met you in an alleyway, like, a week ago- it felt like it was just yesterday," Su Tart remembered.

"Haha, yeah. I remember it, too."

"How did you find me?"

"You know how."

"Yeah, but like- how???"

Tiffany sighed and cleared her throat.

"It was just a regular day- for me, of course- and I was strolling around in the alley in the town I'd been in for about a month- the police in your town kinda suck at their job, no offense.

"Anyway, I was living my life, walking through the alley, when I heard something I hadn't for a while- another person's voice in the alley. I wanted to see what was going on when I heard the LOUDEST high-pitched scream I have ever heard come out of someone." Su Tart blushed as his girlfriend laughed at him. "So I wondered, 'What the heck was going on?'

"I eventually came across some very tall boys- or slenders, as they're known now. I was hidden, so I watched as they beat you up. I knew that I had done much worse, but, I mean- you looked absolutely helpless, so I stepped in before they could do any more harm to you.

"I mean, as I looked at your horrible bruises all over your face, I only felt much worse. I took you under my wing, mostly because I wanted to protect you-

"But also because I love you." Su Tart wasn't positive about the words that came out of the girl's mouth, but she was smiling at him with actual sincerity for the first time.

"If you love me, why do you have a picture of your dead ex?" Su Tart asked a bit harshly. Tiffany's adorable smile turned into a frown. She looked at the floor with a minor of shame.

"I don't know," she admitted quietly. "I still love him- just a little bit, and I do miss him and wish he was still my friend, at least. But I love you more, because you're still with me, even after you watched me tear apart a regular boy."

"If you love me, then why haven't you kissed me yet?" Su tart asked a bit too foward.

"I thought you didn't want me to kiss you, that's why I didn't."

"You can kiss me."

The girl turned the boy's body to face hers. Then she out her hand on his cheek, which made the bacon boy squirm a little. She intertwined the other hand with his open hand, then gingerly kissed his cheek. She pulled away after a few seconds and looked him in the eye.

"Are you uncomfortable?" she asked the red-faced boy. He shook his head as the girl chuckled. They persevered on the walkway.

"So...we're hitting up your hometown? What's it called?" Su Tart asked once he found some composure.

"Hmm...I don't think it actually had an official name. We'll just call it Paradise."

"It's a very strange name compared to how you described it," Su Tart snickered.

"At least my hometown isn't called something like 'Pancake Territory' or something. Plus, it was the only thing that popped into my head."

"Well, I can't wait to see your hometown."

"You know what? I can't either," Tiffany accepted. For the first time since the Spring Fling, Su Tart smiled a genuine smile.

"We're almost at the train station... any last words to YOUR hometown?" Tiffany wondered. Su Tart was about to say something when they heard police sirens not too far away from them.

"Shit. They're onto us. Come on, we're getting on a train right now," Tiffany demanded. She pulled her boyfriend and hurried them to the station.

Although Su Tart was being chased by the police, he was still happy on the inside. For once, someone cared enough for him to want him to be safe from everybody else.

He slowed down his pace, which made Tiffany give him a very confused look. "Let them catch up a bit. To make the chase a bit more interesting," Su Tart explained. Tiffany smirked as they stopped themselves fully.

"And that's what I like about you. Danger all the way," Tiffany said.


You've reached the end. Was it good? No, it really wasn't the best writing I've done. But don't worry, if you're wondering about Su Tart and Tiffany's adventure, it's not done. I'm making a sequel, but I won't publish it for about a month. I haven't even started yet. But this is my first full story that I actually finished and published- yay me! I got a mini goal! :D

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed. I hope to see you in the next book!

And of course, thank you to Flamingo for making these memes- I couldn't have done it without his funny videos. :)


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