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Chapter 09

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Chapter 09

"Holy Talan, the little monster speaks our language."

The frightened Idris mumbled under breath, obviously unaware of the purpose of Quinn's device. Nor of the fact that the translator wasn't alive being.

"Friend or not, I will not let you hurt Quinn, you little evil."

Before Quinn could realize his intentions, Idris strode towards his wooden stick and started to poke the translator with the sharpened end. He tossed the plastic box out of Quinn's hands and cornered it on the ground.

"Wait, what are you doing? It's not going to hurt me."

Before he could stake another deadly attack, the frantic Quinn stood between him and the device. She held Idris's arms to try and stop him from destroying the only thing that allows her to communicate with them.

"Huh, what?"

Idris looked back and forth between Quinn and the device. In Idris's ears, Quinn still spoke in her foreign language, but the monster spoke Talanian and it seemed as if it was following her words.

"It's not a monster, it can't harm us. It's something we call a translator and it can transform my words so you can understand what I'm saying. I brought it with me from my home planet. I came all the way from Mars. Have you ever heard of Mars?"

To her comment, Idris didn't utter a single word. The good thing was he gave up on the thought of crushing the device. But his eyes still followed it carefully when Quinn kneeled to take it off the ground.

"I know it's strange and a lot to take in because you still haven't even discovered electricity, let alone electronic devices. But all I'm asking for is a little bit of trust. This little guy here can't and won't do you any harm."

Seeing that Idris had no intention of answering her, Quinn tried to reassure him once again. At least she hoped that he trusts her enough not to break it before she knocks some sense in him.

Behind the curtain shadowing the outside world and few weak rays of sunlight were trying to break through and announce the morning's arrival. Knowing that dream wasn't going to come again, Quinn sat back on the bed and waited for Idris to take his time and process the things she was saying.


Few moments passed until he spoke again, still not taking his eyes away from the translator in her hands. He said her name carefully as if he was waiting to see how the device was going to react to his voice.

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