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Chapter 08

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Chapter 08

When Quinn joked that she was back in the stone age, she never meant it literally. But from what she had seen until now, this planet Talan - as they called it, was stuck in the time when people didn't know about electricity, let alone what technology was.

Idris's community had about a hundred or maybe two hundred people, including men, women, children, and elders. She assumed their leader was the person Idris had taken her to. There was something about the aura around him, hinting dominance and authority above Idris. 

She couldn't understand what they were saying but from the way Idris kept pointing towards her, she figured that he was explaining how he found her. The leader, an older middle-aged man with long blond hair and preserved muscle shape, didn't seem to like the idea of her very much. From the frowning and grimaces of his face, she figured that he opposed her staying. Not that she was dying to be there. But since her ship was gone, she was stuck there until she finds a way to fix it.

To her surprise, Idris seemed to be defending her against the other man's judgment. Suddenly, out of nowhere, he held her hand in his. He lifted their connected palms in the leader's sight-view and continued to explain something. This behavior of his couldn't get any weirder because just that morning Idris was avoiding her at all cost, but now he was acting like he had some special connection with her.

If the situation could get any odder, Idris turned her to face him. They hadn't been standing that close since the first day when he told her his name. Until then she hadn't noticed just how tall he was. Her head could barely reach his chin.

"What are you doing?"

She asked reflexively when Idris lifted their connected hands and put hers over his chest. This must have been another one of their customs she had yet to discover. The heat of his body under her palm warmed the air around them. She felt Idris seeking for her eyes, so she dared to lift her face and meet his.

He wasn't smiling, nor he showed an angry emotion but the hardness that his eyes held, screamed louder than any words. For whatever reason, Idris was trying to prove a point to the other man, something which seemed to involve her as well.

Don't go romantic on me right now, Idris.

She yelled in her thoughts when suddenly, out of nowhere, Idris moved her hand towards his lips. His mouth briefly touched the inner side of her palm, but it meant so much more. It was like with only one kiss he was sealing a whole destiny.

Quinn was too lost in Idris's eyes locked in hers to realize that the elder man had turned his head sideways. He was trying to give them privacy as if the thing in front of him was not supposed to be seen.

After that, everything happened so fast. Idris led her out of the leader's home if one can even call it that. These people went as far as to make houses inside caves. They still hadn't discovered that caves were harder to heat. What were they doing through winter? Did they even have a winter season? Her mind was filled with so many questions, but at that moment she had to push them back because the girl who previously approached her appeared in front of them. 

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