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POV Nessa

Today is the wedding day. I'm a little nervous and happy of course .

My mother , Mads and Addison are going to help me with my make up and my hair.

So I go to my parents

Nessa's mother : you're late Janesa !
Nessa : it's 8am . I'm not late .
Addison : it's 8:10 am so you're 10 minutes late .
Nessa : ok sorry .

POV Josh

Today I'm gonna be married to Nessa . I'm so happy ! Bryce is going to comes at my house .

- few hours later -

POV Nessa

It's now time to go to the wedding's place .

We go at the car and my mother asks :
Nessa's mother : did you'll know where my keys are ?
Addison : that's your keys, so no .
Nessa : wait , you've loose your keys ?!
Nessa's mother : no . I just don't know where they are ...
Mads : we are gonna find them .

POV Josh

We are all waiting for Nessa and the girls for 1hour now , I start to think that she don't want to be married with me.

- few hours later -

POV Nessa

Ok that was horrible !

First, we arrived at the wedding's place late . I mean 1h30 late !

Then , the mayor of the town was really drunk .

Oh and of course , Josh's parents fought with some rich friends of my parents .

Now , we are celebrating the wedding and for the moment everything is cool and I'm happy. Josh is talking to Bryce like always and I'm with the girls .

After a moment I decide to go talk with Josh, I mean my husband.

Nessa : hello baby !
Josh : hi my wife .
Nessa : I'm so happy, we are married now .
Josh : yes , even if my parents have almost ruined the wedding.
Nessa : that's not your fault if they are stupid.
Josh : I know but ....

I kiss him so he can't says anything else .

I stay with him and my brother till my father arrive .

Nessa's father : hey , how are you all ?
Josh : great , and you ?
Nessa's father : I'm happy for you and my daughter and also for my business.
Nessa : I'm happy for your business too .

He looks at me and then go to talk with Josh's parents .

Josh and me stay together and talk . I'm really happy and he looks happy too .

Josh : after all this wedding is not a disaster...
Nessa : Yes , I love you so much .
Josh : I love you too princess.

He kisses me and we continue to talk and having fun.

POV Jaden

I'm with Bryce in the parking and I show him my new car . Then we hear a gun shot , we look at each other and then see Tomas the leader of the ennemis.

Bryce : we have to say that to Josh !

We run to josh and explain to him what is going on .

POV Nessa

Bryce and Jaden were talking to Josh when we hear a gun shot . I look at Josh and he says :
Josh : Nessa, you need to go with Addison .
Nessa : why I don't want to ?!
Josh : you and the girls have to go out of here .
Nessa : but...
Josh : do what I say !

POV Josh

Addison arrives and I tell her to get out of here with the girls and go at my house .

She grabs Nessa's wrist and they goes outside.

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