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POV Nessa

My parents come in the room and ask :
Nessa's mother : help for what ?
Bryce : we need money to help Josh .
Nessa's father : how much ?
Bryce : hum.... 90 ...
Nessa : thousand ?
Nessa's mother : ho that's nothing.
Bryce : millions....
Nessa : WHAT ?!

We all look at him with a shocked look .

He explained us what happened whit there enemy .

Nessa's father : we can only give you the half of this .
Nessa : thanks you so much .

I hug them and Bryce asks :
Bryce : do you have Josh's parent's number ?

POV Bryce

I call Josh's mother.

Bryce : hello .
Josh's mother: who is it ?
Bryce : that's Bryce , Josh's friend .
Josh's mother : ho and what do you want Bryce ?
Bryce : your son was kidnapped by someone and this person want some money . My parents will pay the half .
Josh's mother : how much is it ?
Bryce : 90 millions .
Josh's mother: that's too much , josh can find another way ?
Bryce : I don't thin-

She hangs up.

Ok now we have to find another way to pay .

POV Nessa

Nessa : so what does she said ?
Bryce : we have to find another way ...
Nessa : WHAT WHY ?!
Bryce : that's too much for them .
Nessa's father : that's their son !
Bryce : well they don't care .

I'm really worried, how are we going to find all that money ?

POV Josh

Chase enter in my room and says with a big smile :
Chase : i have talk with your friends .
I don't say anything .
Chase : they need to pay or you will die .
He walk closer to me.
Chase : after all they just have to find 90 millions of dollars.

They are crazy ? That's too much.
I don't say anything and he go out of the room .

That's funny , we used to be friends few years ago and now he want to kill me .

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