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"Out of all the gems in the sky, why did you choose to fall in love with me? I'm not even pretty." She suddenly asked out-of-the-blue as we both sat down on the glossy grassfield one starry night.

"A pretty poetic start, huh?" I chuckled. "You are the prettiest, my love, and that's enough for me to fall for you." I smiled.

"I don't believe you." She pouted. I laughed mildly. My answer was not enough to convince her. The nocturnal landscape sparkled aesthetically as she leaned her head on my shoulders.

"I'm flawed, that's how I see myself. I don't see anything attractive in my imperfect being. That's why I'm asking you." She uttered.

I stared up at the night sky as I thought about her. She raised her head to me and looked at me with a thousand unspoken questions sparkling in the galaxy behind her eyes. I smiled, and held her slender hands gently.

"Look at the moon." I started.

"Yeah, what's over there?" She said.

"Have you ever admired how strikingly ravishing it is? That despite its dusty surface and seemingly abyssal craters, it still shines outstandingly beautiful. The way it borrows the light of daylight to shower down its own mesmerizing moonlight touches your heart and calms your soul. It is flawed. Yet that's what makes it beautiful."

"But I'm not the moon. . ." She uttered.

"Then look at those flowers over there." I pointed out to a small cluster of flowers swaying gracefully along with the nightly winds.

"There's a variety of different beauties in there. But do you know what stands out the most in the group?" I asked.

"The roses. . ." She mouthed, linking her gaze to the floral beauties dancing elegantly while laying her head on my shoulder.

"Yes. The most flawed flower – the roses – stood out the prettiest. A rose is beautiful, even when it has those pricky thorns masked around its stem."

"But what does thorned roses have to do with me?" She asked.

"You see, just like the moon, the rose has its own imperfections, yet those imperfections are what makes it beautiful. They make it stand out from the rest of the other flowers." I stated.

She raised her head up high and stared at the cosmos. "But I'm ugly. Everyo–"

"Blind eyes will never see the true beauty of a shining diamond, so don't worry about them. The eye never sees what the heart sees. You just have to use the vision of your heart, and there you'll know just how beautiful you are." I uttered, placing my fingers gently on her lips and smiled.

She just stared at me, speechless. I could see in her eyes a whole new universe beginning to spark to life.

"Everything, everyone has their own imperfections. But it's those flaws that makes people truly pretty. We have our own scars, like the moon, and thorns like those roses. All we have to do is to accept and embrace these flaws. Because however we see these hideous attributes as the ugly thing about us, someone, somewhere out there sees it as the most beautiful thing about us. It's what makes us our own version of those roses and the moon; we have our own beautiful flaws."

She smiled as I held her hand and gazed into her starry eyes. The universe made witness as the heavenly stars smiled for the two of us, putting on a perfect show.

"See, no matter how imperfect you think you may be, I see you differently. Your scars caught my heart like how the moon did, and your flaws are the thorns I fell in love with. I want to make you see what I see..." she gazed at me with the prettiest smile I have ever gazed upon. As the stars in the night sky shimmered, and the moon smiled, I gently touched her cheeks and left one tender kiss, "...that you are beautiful, to me."

Tears Of A Dying SunflowerHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin