Sangyeon/Jacob (TBZ)

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an: this is really short and kind of terrible so i'm sorry about that. but !! before we start here's pronouns and what they are !!

sangyeon (vampire he/him)younghoon (bunny bun/he)hyunjae (pixie he/him)juyeon (nekomata kit/he)haknyeon (ghost he/him)jacob (demon he/him)kevin (kumiho pup/he)eric (dragon he/they)sunwoo (werewolf he/him)chanhee (elf he/they)changmin (vampire vamp/he)

Jacob is pretty. He's so goddamn pretty. Jacob has such an angelic beauty about him and Sangyeon is so goddamn enchanted by his beauty. Sangyeon often finds himself staring at the younger in classes that they share together, Sangyeon never having the courage to actually go and speak to him. It's not common for angels to get along with darker type creatures like himself. He does know that Jacob has another vampire friend, but that doesn't mean that he would get along with Sangyeon. Sangyeon's friends all tell him to talk to him. but Sangyeon is so worried that just being around Jacob will corrupt the innocent angel. Sure part of Jacob's appearance isn't the most holy, but Sangyeon thinks the facial piercing the angel has just adds onto his beauty. Sure, Sangyeon has no idea if Jacob is actually an angel, but Sangyeon is just so sure that Jacob is an angel. There's no way he couldn't be. Sangyeon is so convinced that Jacob is an angel that the possibility of him being anything else never crosses his mind. From the way he laughs, to the way he cares about others. Sangyeon is just so sure that Jacob is an angel. Sangyeon always gets lost in thought when he thinks about Jacob. He wishes he could say he doesn't mean to zone out when Juyeon drones on about dance technique, his brain focusing on the gorgeous boy across the cafeteria laughing at something his friend animatedly talks about.

"LEE SANGYEON!" Hyunjae shouts at Sangyeon, Younghoon's bunny ears twitching on top of buns head.

"What?" Sangyeon looks over at Hyunjae who rolls his eyes and points to the frowning nekomata, "Sorry Juyeon. I just don't understand dance."

"I stopped talking about dance ten minutes ago," Juyeon's tails swish behind kit, kit purring when a translucent hand pets kits head.

"How nice of Haknyeon to finally join us," Younghoon giggles, buns ears twitching as a slight breeze passes by buns ears.

"I've been here the whole time," Haknyeon finally materializes in front of the group, "Sangyeon you really should go talk to him."

"Now is not the time for my weird crush on Jacob Bae," Sangyeon looks over at Haknyeon who shrugs and sits down next to Juyeon.

"You know maybe that's why Kim Sunwoo is afraid of you," Hyunjae smirks at Haknyeon who glares and grabs Hyunjae's phone, "I'M SORRY! DON'T DRAIN MY BATTERY PLEASE!"

"Are you going to stop being a dick?" Haknyeon raises his eyebrow at Hyunjae who nods, Haknyeon sliding his phone across the table as Juyeon and Younghoon snort, "Juyeon not to alarm you, but Jacob's friend keeps staring at you."

"Huh? Who?" Juyeon looks up, noodles hanging out of kits mouth as kit looks up at the table that Jacob and his friends are sitting at, "Oh fuck. Kevin Moon?" Juyeon's tails involuntarily curl in on themselves, "Hey Sangyeon wanna hurry the hell up so we can get out of here?"

"I'm not the one eating," Sangyeon picks at his nails as he runs his tongue against his lip piercings.

"Too late," Hyunjae snorts and leans into Younghoon, Younghoon's ears flopping against buns head as bun hears footsteps coming closer to their table.

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