Jacob x St. Van (VAV)

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The name Geumhyuk brings too many memories to Jacob, the China native on his way to South Korea to live with his best friend Hosung. Jacob had met Hosung on a trip to South Korea with his family. They just so happened to be standing in line at the same roller coaster when Jacob all but cried in line. Hosung comforted the older by wrapping an arm around his shoulder and talking about Hosung's most embarrassing moment on his first roller coaster ride. Since then, the two boys became inseparable. Every time one of the boys did something fun, they immediately facetimed the other so both could experience in their own ways. Hosung is the man that Jacob turned to when anything went wrong, but before Hosung there was Geumhyuk.

Geumhyuk is a South Korean native who moved to China at a young age. He was around the age of eight when he moved to China. His next door neighbors had a son who was three at the time. The younger boy introduced himself as Cobi, to which his mother proceeded to say that he goes by Cobi and that Jacob is his name. Geumhyuk had taken the younger to the park nearby and since that day they were joined at the hip.


"Hi! I'm Geumhyuk!" Geumhyuk waves at the smaller boy.

"I Cobi!" Jacob giggles as he hides behind his mother who shakes her head.

"He goes by Cobi. His name is Jacob," Jacob's mother smiles at Geumhyuk who nods his head.

The parents begin to talk and introduce themselves when Jacob finally decides to walk over and hold Geumhyuk's hand. Geumhyuk looks down at the younger and smiles brightly at him. Jacob blushes and pokes Geumhyuk's side, who giggles happily and pokes Jacob back. The two begin to poke at each other and laugh happily before Geumhyuk's mother calls their names.

"There's a park on the next street over if you two want to play at the park," Geumhyuk's mother smiles as Geumhyuk nods and walks with Jacob to the park happily.

"Do you like blue? I like blue," Jacob smiles up at Geumhyuk who nods his head smiling.

"I like blue. Do you like flowers?" Geumhyuk asks Jacob who stops at the edge of the park to pick up a blue flower.

Jacob looks over at Geumhyuk and nods his head happily before putting the flower in Geumhyuk's shirt pocket. Geumhyuk smiles brightly at Jacob and hugs him making the smaller squeal then running off onto the playground with Geumhyuk.


Jacob rests his head on the airplane window completely exhausted. The thoughts of Geumhyuk swirling in his head that he just wishes would go away are causing a major headache. Jacob looks out the window and smiles slightly seeing the city of Incheon. He could not wait to see Hosung again. Jacob's foot bounces in pure excitement which alerts the couple beside him. He apologizes before looking out the window smiling brightly. He wonders if Yoonho, Hosung's fiance, will be there as well. The sudden thought of meeting Yoonho gives the Chinese native anxiety. It's fine, he's technically met Yoonho several times, just not in person. Jacob's ears begin to ring as his anxiety kicks in even more. Jacob closes his eyes and begins to think of happier things such as the first time he met Hosung. Jacob is so lost in thought that he doesn't hear the pilot tell the passengers that they're landing. Jacob is jolted out of his thoughts when the tires of the plane touch the landing strip. Jacob bites at his lip and begins to gather up the small things that were scattered around him. He rolls up his headphones and slips them into his pocket happily. Jacob pulls his phone out and turns it off airplane mode. He opens his phone and sees the twenty messages just from Hosung. He chuckles and opens the messages to see a picture of Yoonho and Hosung waiting for him to arrive. Jacob grins brightly at the thought of seeing them. Once the plane stops and people begin to leave, Jacob stands up and grabs his backpack. He walks off the plane after pulling his mask up and nodding towards the plane staff. He looks up and walks towards the baggage claim, smile hidden behind his mask. He walks onto the escalator and bites his lip as he goes down to baggage claim. His heart begins to beat quicker as he sees the two males to which he calls friends. Jacob runs up to them and hugs them tightly.

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