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The first day of school. The day young children and parents both get excited for. Today was Jongin's first ever day of school. He woke up thirty minutes early from how excited he was. He just needed his dad to help him get dressed. Jongin walks into his dad's room and crawls up on the bed.

"Daddy. It's time for school," Jongin shakes his dad's arm slightly.

The large male grumbles and buries his head more into the pillow. He really didn't want to wake up this early.

"Daddy!" Jongin giggles and shakes him more.

"Five more minutes," Chanyeol mumbles and pulls Jongin close to his chest.

"Daddy! Kyungie is coming soon!" Jongin wiggles his tiny body out of Chanyeol's arms and begins to jump on the bed.

"Jongin," Chanyeol groans as Jongin continues to jump around him.

"Up! Up! Up! Up!" Jongin giggles loudly while bouncing.

Chanyeol smirks and quickly grabs Jongin before standing up on the bed making his son scream.

"DADDY PUT DOWN!" Jongin screeches and laughs.

Chanyeol laughs and flops onto the bed with Jongin in his arms. Jongin laughs happily before snuggling into Chanyeol's chest more. Chanyeol grins and kisses Jongin's cheek before getting up and taking the small boy to his bedroom. Chanyeol walks over to Jongin's dresser and gets out Jongin's uniform for school. Jongin strips from his pajamas and yawns. Chanyeol chuckles and helps Jongin put his uniform on.

"Awwh, look at you cutie boy," Chanyeol grins and blows a raspberry on Jongin's cheek.

Jongin squeals and hugs Chanyeol tightly, "Daddy? Can I wear mommy's necklace?" Jongin asks smiling.

Chanyeol nods his head and pulls out the thin gold necklace with a small heart pendant. He puts it on Jongin and smiles brightly, "You know mommy loves you right?"

"I know daddy. I love mommy too. She always watch over us," Jongin smiles and kisses Chanyeol's nose.

Chanyeol smiles at his son then picks Jongin up and spins him around making Jongin giggle loudly and wiggle in his dad's hands. Chanyeol laughs and sets Jongin down and watches as he runs to the door when it opens.

"KYUNGIE!" Jongin squeals and hugs him tightly while smiling brightly.

"Hi Nini. I missed you lots," Kyungsoo hugs him tightly and giggles softly.

"Hey Channie," Baekhyun hugs Chanyeol and smiles at their sons who are lost in conversation.

"Thank you for taking him. My boss is being a downright bitch," Chanyeol groans and shakes his head.

"No need to thank me Chanyeol. I know how Jongin is when it comes to Kyungsoo," Baekhyun giggles as he sees Jongin making faces at Kyungsoo, "You ready to go boys?"

"Yes dad!" Kyungsoo giggles and looks at Baekhyun.

"Yes Uncie Baek!" Jongin hums and holds Kyungsoo's hand happily.

"Alright! Jongin give daddy kisses and then we'll leave," Baekhyun smiles brightly.

Jongin runs to Chanyeol and hugs him tightly before sloppily kissing his cheek, "Bye daddy."

"Bye baby. I'll come pick you up from Uncle Baekhyun's house after work okay?" Chanyeol smiles to which Jongin nods his head.

Baekhyun waves at Chanyeol as he takes the boys to his car and gets them buckled in. Chanyeol sighs and watches Baekhyun leave before walking to his room to get ready for work. Chanyeol strips himself of his pajamas then walks towards his closet and eyes his clothes.

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