Chapter 1

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disclaimer- I do not own the originals or h2o! this story contains characters that i didn't create the characters in this story. credits to @Kayluska06 for the main idea of the story, make sure to see some of her amazing work. and ignore my terrible editing skills, the grammar is quite bad.

Cleo swam and listened to Charlotte and Lewis speaking from under the dock, she had finally gotten Lewis, and still charlotte was harrasing him.

"Well if you ever want to hang out, or if you want to come back for me..." Charlotte said batting her eyelashes.

"No, Charlotte. I'm with Cleo now, you wont be hearing from me again!" Lewis yelled and walked away back to the juicenet café were Cleo was supposed to be waiting for him, she would go soon, but she had to have a little talk to Charlotte.

"Leave him alone!" Cleo said emerging from under the dock.

"Oh Cleo, we know your scared he will come running back to me, as I'm obviously the better girl, and you, your just pathetic." Charlotte spat, laughing at Cleo.

Cleo's blood boiled with anger, she had never felt hate this bad before, in one swift movement, she dragged Charlotte underwater, as she struggled to swim to the surface, Cleo summoned a wave that threw her underwater and she hit her head on a sharp rock. her lifeless body floated to the surface, Cleo felt a new strength surge through her body. However she realised what she had done and immediately started freaking out, 'I've killed someone I actually killed someone' repeated in her mind and was all she could think about. she had to act fast, she couldn't get caught. she dragged Charlottes body to the middle of the ocean with an unexpected ease and speed. she attempted to pile sand and rocks on her body in desperation to cover her tracks.

Cleo swam to Mako island to do some thinking, she sat in the moon pool trying to process what had happened. she knew she couldn't tell anyone. Before she knew it, it was already night time. she remembered she had a romantic dinner date with Lewis tonight. She had to cancel, she couldn't be with anyone right now. She needed to get home.

"Kim hurry up in there!" Cleo yelled, Kim always took way to long in the bathroom doing god knows what, It always bothered Cleo, but today she was extra mad at it, she barged through the door and it swung open easily with a bang. Kim was applying face wash when she turned and yelped in surprise.

"it was locked... your eyes!" Kim said frightened and ran out "DADDDD CLEO TURNED INTO A MONSTER" Cleo looked in the mirror to see her eyes glowing golden, she blinked and they went back to normal, "What the hell is happening to me." She said under her breath


After bathing, Cleo sat in bed facing up thinking about what had happened. maybe she would wake up and it turns out this was all just a big nightmare.

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