episode six

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( episode six )


————— December 18th, 6:34pm ————

TommyInnit today at 6:34pm
Oi Hello

lupinslover today at 6:35pm
would u like some tea and crumpets with that oi, love?

TommyInnit today at 6:37pm
Wow I am laughing so hard
It hurts
Stupid american
U guys are all
So american
Mm guns!!!!!!!!!!
Yay guns!!!!! Pow pow!!!

lupinslover today at 6:40pm
Yuh I'm from the states cuh what about it?🥶 u tryna post up? On jah u won't I know it cuh it's on sight with u on god bruv come at me😤🩸

TommyInnit today at 6:42pm
What the fuck did you just say to me?

lupinslover today at 6:43pm

TommyInnit today at 6:45pm

lupinslover today at 6:46pm
u didn't have to get the anime involved☹️

TommyInnit today at 6:48pm
Oi whatever

lupinslover today at 6:49pm
I can't believe you text out the word oi
that is so funny

TommyInnit today at 6:50pm
Yeah I'm pissing my pants in laughter

lupinslover today at 6:53pm
aw wittle pissbaby need a diaper change?

TommyInnit today at 6:52pm
Hey Siri how do you block someone on discord?

.....incoming call from lupinslover!

accept or decline


tommy picked up the discord call hesitantly, a small smile already creeping onto his lips. lupins laugh bubbled out of his phone, echoing in his room quietly. "awww, can wittle pissbaby not take a joke?" she giggled. tommy immediately felt heat rush up towards his cheeks, making his head feel light on his shoulders.

"I can't believe I've only known you for a day and you're already making fun of me. You Americans disgust me," tommy smirked. lupins laughed in response, the sound of typing on a keyboard in the background.

"just watch this with me," she sighed, but he felt as though he could hear her smile through the phone. a link popped up from her into the chat.

tommy sat up in bed, throwing his blankets to the side as he asked, "honestly, what would you do if I didn't?"

"I guess I'd just throw your tea into the ocean again. A little tea party never hurt nobody," lupins replied.

"oh, go fuck yourself," tommy laughed in reply. he turned on his PC, loading up discord on one monitor and the netflix link she sent him on the other. "I have to download the netflix party thing onto chrome hold on."

lupins hummed in approval. "by the way, it's about a group of orphans who live in an orphanage and they think they're living the best life and then they find something out and the whole show is them trying to escape the orphanage," she summarized.

tommy shrugged, "sounds cool. I know someone who might like it then actually. he has a thing for orphans." he suppressed his smile as he spoke, technoblade settled in the back of his thoughts.

"oh? maybe your friend should be put on a watchlist," lupins fired, leading the two of them to burst into laughter.

the two stayed on call as the show began, making dumb comments and jokes every once in a while. they burned through the first five episodes before tommy realized the time.

"I think I'm actually gonna go to sleep. it's almost 2am," he sighed, pausing the show.

"oh shit, okay. have a good night, tommy," lupins hummed.

"uh, if you don't mind I ask, what's your name? I feel a bit weird calling addressing you as a character from the harry potter series," tommy asked, a smile etching across his lips. "you don't have to tell me though, of course. I'm just wondering. I could call you moony."

lupins laughed, "moony would be a nice nickname, not gonna lie." she sucked in a shaky breath before continuing, "I don't mind that much. honestly none of my online friends have asked. just, please keep calling me lupins if we ever stream together."

"of course I will. I wouldn't want to make you uncomfortable in any way."

"its mindy."

"hm, mindy," tommy let her name roll off his tongue. "mindy, mindy, mindy. it's a very pretty name." the pink tint on his cheeks settled comfortably as he spoke. 

"thank you, tommy. have a good night."

"have a good night, mindy."

they both disconnected from the voice channel, and tommy fell back into his chair with a sigh.


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