episode twelve

908 37 10

NETWORK CONNECTION( season finale )(( + a message/explanation/apology ! ))

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( season finale )
(( + a message/explanation/apology ! ))


ham fans

# general

heyitsadri          today at 3:01 p.m.
is anyone free im bored and gonna play stardew valley lol

tubbo          today at 3:06 p.m.
i'm free
screen share :D

lupinslover           today at 3:10 p.m.
i'll join soon i jus need a minute

mindy tossed her backpack onto the floor beside her bed before settling into her desk. perfect timing, adri. her pc started up and she opened discord, clicking into the voice channel.

"why do you play this game?" tubbo was already talking when she joined. "it's just farming."

"I always fucking die in the mines, " mindy butted in.

"'cause you're bad," adrianna laughed. tubbo wheezed, the sound of him hitting his desk in the background repetitive. mindy noticed the lack of tommy, though.

"fight me irl and see what happens," mindy laughed. she waited for their laughing to stop before she asked what was genuinely on her mind: "where's tommy?"

"probably asleep," tubbo replied, "want to see something cool?" he didn't wait for either of the girls to reply. "TOMMY!"

mindy ripped her headphones off her head, "jesus fuck, toby!"

"shit! fuck!" adrianna cursed in reaction.

"sorry!" he laughed. "give him a minute!"

"what the hell are you talking about?" mindy asked. a chime indicated someone joining the call.

"HELLO!" tommy shouted. "sorry i'm late, i was talking to hot girls." the three erupted into laughter. mindys cheeks bloomed red, and she rushed to lower her volume. she didn't know if she was giggling at his entrance or the fact that it was just him talking.

tubbo wheezed to get a sentence out, "I just shouted for you!"

"I felt it!"

network connection,   TOMMYINNITWhere stories live. Discover now