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General Warning; pg-13 content and jschlatt though out the book

"What exactly happend?"

"i uhm, hugged him from behind and he got scared."

"That doesn't sound like something that would make him pass out..."

ghostbur agreed. "i dont know what to do"

"Hm, what happened before he passed out?"

"he was making pancakes"

"Thats it?"

ghostbur nodded

"Was he breathing irregulary? Spasing a bit?", Philza asks, quite concerned.

"i-i didnt check," ghostbur said feeling a bit bad he didnt do that. he becomes non-touchable now B)

"I'll check his heartbeat.", Philza gets down and puts his hand on Shlatts chest, feeling for any heartbeat.

ghostbur watches as he floated in the air beside philza getting more worried by the second.

"He'll be alright, I still don't why he passed out though."

ghostbur nodded before attempting to pick up schlatt, but fails. "why cant i pick him up?"

"Maybe because you're freaked out?", Philza picks up shlatt, carrying him to his bed

"oh" ghostbur said as he floated behind philza and watches him. he quickly floated to the bed to stay with schlatt when he is passed out.

"Well, I'll be going now. If anything happens you can get me.", Philzas leaves, going back to his home.

ghostbur said goodbye to phiza then laid next to schlatt. he was becoming touchable more and more since he felt calmer. he then falls asleep

Shlatt woke up before Ghostbur, and poked ghostburs face, checking if he was awake. He began to smell something like smoke...Hm

ghostbur was still snoozing peacefully. when he smelled the smoke while he was still asleep, he made a unpleasant face. he doesnt like the smell of smoke and his brain was making wacky weird ass uncomfy dreams now so ghostbur became untouchable once again and began to float while he lays down.

Shlatt gets up heading to the kitchen, only to find the food on the stove on fire. "HOLY SHIT", Shlatt runs to get a fire extinguisher, grabbing it and putting the fire out.

ghostbur did not fully wake up, but was awake enough to calm down again. he looks around. "sch-schlatt?"

"tch, who left the food on the stove?", Shlatt scoffs. He goes to the supply closet to get some cleaning supplies, he had to clean this mess.

ghostbur gets up as he rubs his eyes. he then goes out the bedroom and into the kitchen. "what happened?"

"Oh! Hey Ghostbur, somebody left the food on the stove over night. There was a small fire, I'm cleaning up the debree.", Shlatt said, scrubbing down the counters.

ghostbur nodded as he sits at the table and leans his head down on the table being tired sleepy boy

"Do you want something to eat?", Shlatt said tossing the Spongebob pancake that was on the floor into the trash.

ghostbur shakes his head, "im not that hungry" ghostbur said as he yawns.

eret knocks on their front door

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