two birds on a wire

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They were doing well, surprisingly.  "Babe! did you do the laundry today??" Schlatt called out to Ghostbur which was reading a book. "Yup! I did it yesterday!" He did a small smile, happy that things were healing. They were going to go the movies soon to see a film. Schlatt pops in the room, "get ready to leave in about five," He smiled before walking away.  The ram was trying to heal as well, he was a week sober today.  He threw away everything that reminded him of Manburg, he wasn't a good person during that state of time.

Time passed and they were there at the theaters, "One soda please and  a medium popcorn please," Jschlatt pulled out his wallet and paid for the food.  "Have a good time!" Ranboo smiled before going back to serve the other people, which weren't a lot.

Ghostbur did not like this film one bit, he didn't want to leave because he was scared that Schlatt was going to get mad, what's even worse is that this movie is rewinding him of bad things.  Relating to the main character who was in a bad relationship,  showing a lot of signs.  Remembering things that shouldn't have happened. Schlatt eats the popcorn and glances at Ghostbjr and sees that he was disassociating. "hey, wilbur, you okay?" he whispered as he softly shook him. Ghostbur flinches before grounding himself in reality again. "y-yeah" he stuttered quietly.

Schlatt didn't want to push Ghostbur so he just went back to watching the movie. Once they got home, Ghostbur immediately went to the bedroom and laid down, thinking about if this relationship was going to work. He never truely apologized but the ghost can see how hard he is trying.  Schlatt was so concerned for his boyfriend, he looked in the bedroom and saw that he was laying on his side, he sighed before going to sleep on the couch tonight. "happy one week sober," he mumbled to himself.

The next few days was off.  Schlatt was tired of his bullshit so he confronted him about it. "What the fuck is wrong with you? You've been acting like you're on your period the past few days! If you have something to tell me, please tell me! What did I do wrong to you?" Ghostbur flinches before looking away from Schlatt. "I... .. I just want to know why you did those things to me," "Oh god, that shit? You know I wasn't the best or stable person during that time. Why think about it know? I'm trying to be better okay! Stop thinking about the past,"

"You never gave a honest apology, " Ghostbur looked him in the eyes. "Is that what you want, a simple sorry? Okay then, well I am deeply sorry for doing that! Now please stop being weird now," Schlatt crossed his arms and looked at him. "Weird? You're the one who is the weird one! You've done so much!" "ME? YOU BLEW UP MANBURG! YOU DESTROYED EVERYTHING I WORKED FOR, YOU RUINED PEOPLE JUST BECAUDE YOU AND TOMMY WERE EXILED!" Ghostbur frowns as he tries to remain eye contact but just looks down. "T-That isn't me, that was Wilbur.  I am not him,"

"Then stop bringing up my old past then I'll stop," Schlatt hissed at him.  "Can we just go to bed now, I don't want to fight, okay," Ghostbur said before walking away from the man, Schlatt grabbed his shoulder, "No, let's keep going since you just love to remember all the shit I've done," Ghostbur shoves his hand off his shoulder and walked ran into the bedroom and locked the door behind him. He slide down the door and sat on the floor. 

"Fuckkk," Schlatt mumbled to himself before hitting himself in the head angerily, "you fucked things up again," he said to himself, he heads to the couch once again to sleep.

"I-I can't stay here anymore... ..." Ghostbur got up and started to pack his things slowly.  Moonlight beems in faintly through the curtains.  After he packed he slept on the bed.  He woke up in the morning from the knock on the bedroom door, "baby please, I'm sorry," Schlatt was waiting at the door. Ghostbur got up and unlocked the door, Schlatt opens in and he has a bouquet of blue and white flowers in his hand.  "I bought you these, for an apology for last night. I am really sorry for what I said, I was in the wrong."

Ghostbur looked at the flowers and back at Schlatt before Schlatt pulling him in a hug. "I love you so much," Schlatt said as he hugged him tightly. " you too,"

Months past, and things gotten better and better, until of the incident.

"Wilbur! Ghostbur! Please! It's not what it looks like I swear," Schlatt said as he was hurrying to Ghostbur, who was crying. "THEN WHAT WAS IT?" He yelled in Schlatt's face when he turned around.  "H-He came onto me first! I swear I would never kiss him." Ghostbur had tears raining down his face, "then why didn't you back away?" He mumbled before going into their house.  He started to pack quickly. "Come on, please, baby," "don't call me that." Ghostbur hissed out. In ten or so minutes he was at the door ready to leave him. "I am tired of your bullshit!" Ghostbur yelled. "Please, please, please stay, I need you more than you need me, I can't live without you, please stay," Ghostbur turned around and looked at the man, "I hope you feel what I felt when you shattered my soul," He spat out before leaving put the front door. He didn't know where he was going but he knew it wasn't here.  Schlatt watched him leave, he never cried, but this, this had broke him.  Tears appeared in his dead cold eyes, slowly dropping down his face. " no no no no," he quietly cried to himself.

Months past, Schlatt's lungs were dying as it is. He was drinking every night, every morning. He walked out into the dark rainy night with a bottle of whiskey in his hand, his old suit getting all wet.  He walked all the way to the crater of Manburg, he fell to his knees and looked around and spotted one person, "Cha-Charile? I cant believe you made it to my party." Charlie walks towards him and sat beside him and put his arm around him, "I sure did buddy, I sure missed you." Charlie said quietly, sad that he was going to see one of his friends die once again.  "When is the cake g-going to be brought out?" Schlatg coughed. "Soon, buddy, soon.." Charlie had tears in his eyes. He had already lost Ted in EpicSMP. He was hoping to save this one.  Schlatt soon died in his arms. "goodbye, friend," Charlie said as he got up and slowly dissolved back into his slimy form into the word hoping to find joy somewhere else.

Schlatt's funeral had barely no one there except Ghostbur and Connor. Ghostbur had waited til Connor had left before kneeling down at his grave, "You deserved this," He put down the disc Stal infront of his headstone before leaving.


HEYYYY here is the ending :D or well the bad endinf
im gonna wirte the good ending later

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