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after a few more minutes, ghostbur became untouchable and begin to float. while he floated, he started to shake out of fear and he sniffles, a black tear rolls down his face as he kept sleeping.

Schlatt looks at Ghostbur, moving over to him. He reached out to shake him, but his hand went through. So Schlatt yells, "GHOSTBUR, WAKE UP!"

ghostbur quickly wakes up, he still floated as he looks at schlatt confused. he was also a bit glad he woke up.

"Are you alright, you were having a nightmare.", Schlatt says extremely concerned.

"i-im fine," ghostbur mumbles as he rubs his eyes sleepy.

"Come here.", Schlatt says spreading his arms.

ghostbur nodded, he was still so stressed so he still wasnt touchable. he goes over to schlatt and goes through him and then was behind him now.

Schlatt laughs a bit quickly covering his mouth, knowing it really wasn't a good time.

ghostbur whimpers, he wanted hugs from schlatt. he looks at schlatt

"If you really want hugs, your gonna have to calm down.", Schlatt says, feeling a bit bad.

"i cant.." ghostbur says in the most saddest tone, he was about to cry again.

"W-well, we can do something else that might cheer you up!", Schlatt exclaims. He doesn't like seeing Ghostbur sad. He walks over to the TV and turns it on, putting on Spongebob.

ghostbur stays curled up in the air, the faint memories of what happened plays in his head.

"Look, Spongebobs singing the sweater song.", Schlatt tries snapping Ghostbur out of his thoughts. 

ghostbur looks at the tv, he forced a fake smile at schlatt. he then goes back to thinking.

Schlatt saw how forced the smile Ghostbur gave him looked, flinching a bit. He had never seen Ghostbur look so sad, it pained him to think about how Ghostbur must have been so scared. The look in his eyes when that man kissed him. Schlatt couldn't stand it. He was going seek that person out soon, getting his revenge sounded best to him. Schlatt stared at Ghostbur, a hurt expression on his face.

ghostbur looks away from schlatt, he tries to fall back asleep.

Schlatt continues to stare at Ghostbur, a sick feeling in his stomach.

after a few more minutes, ghostbur finally went to sleep. but he had a goodish dream this time so he slowly fell back to the bed, he became touchable.

Schlatt watched as Ghostbur drifted back down, softly falling back onto the bed. Schlatt moved towards him to see if he was touchable now, poking his cheek. He laid down by Ghostbur, being the big spoon and holding him.

ghostbur does a small smile in his sleep. he feels comfy and safe now :)

Schlatt falls asleep shortly after, still spooning Ghostbur.

ghostbur wakes up as he smiles tiredly, he then sits up and stretches. he looks at schlatt.

Schlatt is still passed out, he doesn't really deal with mornings well anyway.

ghostbur gets up and walks out of the room and goes to the bathroom to brush his teeth.

Schlatt is still passed out B) 

after ghostbur brushes his teeth n shit. he goes in the living room and binge watch cartoons for a few hours until schlatt wakes up.

Schlatt FINALLY gets up and heads to the bathroom, still very tired. He grabs his toothbrush, putting toothpaste on it. He then rinses it, putting it into his mouth and brushing his teeth. He spits it out into the sink, washing off his face afterward. Schlatt feels a bit more awake now after brushing his teeth and washing his face. He walks out of the bathroom turning off the light that was left on. He made his way to the kitchen to make breakfast, making an extra special breakfast for Ghostbur.

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