The Storm

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The next day was just the same, the man before him was the same as any other morning, laying on the couch, empty bottle on the ground beside him. Ghostbur woke up and thought he felt schlatt beside him, like old times. He smiled with joy as he peaked beside him, but it was just his imagination. This is his own fault, Schlatt is right. He got up and went into the living room, got ibuprofen for the man when he woke up and yelled about his hangover. He put the glass of water and ibuprofen on the coffee table. "I love you," Ghostbur whispered to Schlatt before walking out the front door, he had to go run some errands, and he needed to get away anyways.

Things took longer than expected, he spent time with Tommy half that time he was gone which he enjoyed. Once he got back, before he could even take two steps in. Schlatt slaps him, "Where the fuck were you?" Ghostbur frowns as he struggles to look at Schlatt, he's too scared. "I-I was just hanging out with Friend, and I also h-had to do some things," Schlatt grabbed his arm tightly and dragged him to the kitchen. "You're suppose to be fucking mine, not be friends with that stupid fucking sheep! What were you guys even doing? Do you even love me?" Schlatt said in a mad manner. Ghostbur was scared, scared of what was going to happen, scared of what he would say.

"I-I do love you!" Tears start to drop down his scarred face from all of those restless, crying nights. "Then act like it! God, I swear you're just a little slut, I bet you're out there cheating on me!" Schlatt spat out, he gripped Ghostbur's arm tighter. "I swear I'm n-not," More and more tears run down. "I fucking hope so, because no one is going to love you more than I do. You are too much of a fucking disappointment to be loved, you can't be loved by anyone, but me. Got it?" Schlatt turned on the water in the sink. "Y-Yes! I swear," Ghostbur quickly whimpered out.

''Say it to me then," Ghostbur looked down at the water, he stayed silent, he wanted to run. He wants this to just be over. Schlatt puts Ghostbur's hand under the water. Steam begins to quickly come off his hand, loud sizzling is heard as well. Ghostbur held in his screams of pain, he clenched his eyes shut, "N-NO ONE WILL LOVE ME LIKE THIS AGAIN," The ghost almost screams before Schlatt pulls his hand out of the water. Ghostbur pulls his hand back to his chest, everything burns.

He can't even describe how much this hurts, this pain, this fucking pain. He's never felt this much physical pain before, he felt like he was going to die, again. "That's fucking right," Schlatt walked away from the ghost and just left. Ghostbur felt like the whole world was spinning, he ran to his bedroom and just fell apart when he laid down on the bed. He let it all out.

Four days later, Schlatt finally came home looking tipsy, with hickeys on his neck. He did not try to hide them at all. The man walked into the bedroom. Ghostbur was in bed, reading a novel about animals. He looked up at Schlatt and cracked a small smile. He was scared, he was scared that Schlatt was going to hurt him again. "Oh darling, I'm s-so sorry I did that, I swear I would slit my wrists because of how much pain I would feel, I'm sorry I hurt you, I promise I won't do it again, hun" Schlatt half assed said, he did not even said like he meant it. Ghostbur's lips wobbled as he smiled at him with fear coated in his eyes, "I-I forgive you, I'm sorry."

The man licked his lips as he looked down at the ghost before him. Schlatt got on the bed, "Keep your mouth shut, sweetheart," Ghostbur pulled his knees close to his chest slowly as Schlatt hovered over him. He doesn't want this, he doesn't like this, someone please help, someone please. "W-What are you d-doing?" Schlatt grabbed his jaw and clenched it tightly, "I said keep your god damn fucking mouth shut, you whore," Schlatt hiss out, "You're too sensitive, let me do this for you, little brat." Ghostbur felt the warm tears began to form in his eyes. "I-I don't like this," The ghost whimpered out quietly. "

Did I fucking ask? Ghostbur felt like he was about to have a panic attack right there, if he did. He would most likely get hit, but it's fine, this is fine, Schlatt's right, he always is, isn't he? Schlatt started to take off his shirt, Ghostbur felt this adrenaline in him, he was going to stand up for himself this time. He wants his voice to be heard, "I said I don't want to do this, Schlatt, it's making me uncomfortable," Schlatt looked at him with a smug smile and chuckled. "No one cares about your trashy opinion, if you really loved me, you would do this for me, god, do you even love me?" Schlatt looked at him with a fake frown on his face. "That's what I thought,"

Schlatt then proceeds to unzip Ghostbur's jeans before the ghost kicks him off him. "I SAID NO!" Ghostbur yells at him, he knew he fucked up once he did that. He whimpers as he scrambles off the bed, "I-I'm so sorry, please-" "God, you don't love me, is that what it is? YOU DON'T CARE ABOUT ME? God, I've been through for you and this is what I get. You made me do this, YOU MAKE ME DO." Schlatt hissed out at the ghost, he stomps over towards Ghostbur and snatches his wrist and drags him to the kitchen, "You're going to get what you fucking deserve, I wont stop until you learn your goddamn lesson," "PLEASE, IM SORRY, IM SORRY, I'LL BE QUIET," Ghostbur begins to shout out, tears pours down his steamy face.

Schlatt didn't listen to him, he turned on the faucet and put both of Ghostbur's wrists in the water, loud sizzling and steam began to appear. Ghostbur screams in agony, he starts screaming and begging Schlatt to stop, that he was sorry, that it was his own fault. Ghostbur's skin began to slowly dissolve. Ghostbur had enough of this, he began to kick at Schlatt and scream even more. Schlatt quickly lets go of Ghostbur because the ghost had kicked him in his balls.

Ghostbur then ran, ran like he never had before. He never wanted to go back to him, he was in agonizing pain. He had ran out, he heard Schlatt shout, "YOU'RE FUCKING NOTHING WITHOUT ME, YOU'RE NOTHING,"

Ghostbur didn't care, he already knew he was nothing to that heartless man. He ran all the way to Phil's house, he didn't stop running until he got there. Phil opened the door, didn't even see who it was before Ghostbur fell into his arms with a sad wail of pain. "Oh mate, what happened to you?" Philza said in a quiet, comforting tone. He helped him get inside and Ghostbur didn't talk at all, he wasn't like himself. After an hour, the ghost looks up at Phil and says two single words, "Help me."

word count : 1239

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