panemorfo; beautiful

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 They were doing well, surprisingly. "Babe! Did you do the laundry today??" Schlatt called out to Ghostbur, who was reading a book. "Yup! I did it yesterday!" He gave a small smile, happy that things were healing. They were going to go to the movies soon to see a film. Schlatt pops in the room, "get ready to leave in about five," He smiled before walking away. The ram was trying to heal as well, he was a week sober today. He threw away everything that reminded him of Manburg, he wasn't a good person during that state of time.

Time passed and they were there at the theaters, "One soda please and a medium popcorn please," Jschlatt pulled out his wallet and paid for the food. "Have a good time!" Ranboo smiled before going back to serve the other people, which weren't a lot. The two went on to see the movie. After that, it was getting dark so Ghostbur and Schlatt went back home, they had a good time at the theater. "That movie was so good! I loved the part where spider-man swooped down with Mj in his hands, and Mysterio! I thought he would be a good guy," Ghostbur ranted about the movie. "Mysterio is kinda fine though," Schlatt added when they walked into the house.

"Yeah yeah, you are right, but oh boy after he did that in the end I was so peeved off at him!" Schlatt proceeded to chuckle and ruffle his love's hair. "Still pretty fine." Ghostbur smiled and looked at him and shyly looked away, he felt like he was in high school again, when he saw his first love, Sally. Butterflies fluttered in his stomach, he felt like he was flying. "I love you," "I love you too, dork," Schlatt pulled Ghostbur into a gentle hug and smooched him on the cheek. He felt loved.

Schlatt had to wake up early in the morning because he had to meet up with some people to discuss something about business, he was too bored to pay attention. He rubs his eyes and does a big stretch. Ghostbur was asleep, laying beside him, with one of his legs off the side of the bed and the other up towards his chest.

He leans in and gives Ghostbur a kiss on his head before getting up. He got ready, brushed his hair, got on his suit and tie, and so forth. His tail does a small wag when he sees Ghostbur hunch upwards and yawns, "Where are you going? It's nearly five am." Schlatt walks over towards him, "Well, hun, your future husband here is going to a important meeting for god knows what, I'll be back soon so don't worry, I bet it won't be long," He straighten up his tie, the flustered ghost gave a grin at his love.

"Well can you turn on the tv because without your loud snoring, it'll be way too quiet for my slumber," Ghostbur jokes as he rubs his eyes and goes back to get into a comfortable position to sleep. "Will do, well I love you so so much," Schlatt leaned down and gave his ghost a kiss again, he left the room and turned on the tv to a random channel. He left and went off to go to the meeting.

 Loud knocks came from the front door, one hour or two had past already, Ghostbur was still asleep because it was about seven in the morning. Ghostbur groans and gets up tiredly, he opens the door to Connor in a Shadow onesies instead of his normal Sonic one. He had a frown on his face, tears almost falling down his face. "C-Connor? What are you doing here?" The tiredness in him was gone, concern and worry was there now. "I am sorry to inform you, W-Wilbur but Schlatt has sadly passed," "What" Ghostbur said as he thought he was joking, "No, you HAVE to be joking, he just left only a few hours ago, he COULDN'T HAVE DIED"

"Quackity found his body somewhere near that nation you made,he was...... shot in the head," tears fell down his face. "This is not funny, Connor. Where is Schlatt, WHERE IS HE??? This isn't fricking funny!" Ghostbur said with disbelief in his voice. Hot steaming tears began to fill his dead cold eyes, "Please don't say it's true," Ghostbur fell into Connor's arms for a comforting hug. They both cried, Ghostbur cried loudly, he lost the love of his life.

A few weeks past and ghostbur has been really depressed, he then remembers, he's a ghost so that means... Schlatt's is going to be back! He waited for a few more weeks, losing hope, before hearing a faint knock on his front door. He burst up and ran to the door and took small deep breaths, he opened the door and a ghost jumped into his arms. "SCHLATT!" Ghostbur hugged his ghost love tightly, Glatt had a large smile on his face, "I missed you so much!"  

 After they got settled in, they were on the couch, Ghostbur in Glatt's arms lovingly. "I love you so much, I don't remember what happened to me when I died, but I am so sorry, but hey! We can live our lives forever now," Glatt said as he kissed his love. Glatt had a gunshot wound scar in the middle of his forehead; he had gotten shot in the back of his head when he died.

Glatt and Ghostbur lived on with their lives, they got kinda married with ring pops. They loved each other, they healed as well. That goes on until Ghostbur was asked to go with Tommy to help kill Dream, and I think you know what happens then. Glatt went to live in that underground self made gym, and went back to his old ways.  

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