Anything for Family

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Okay, so this is my own chappie, which a friend of mine gave me an idea for. As a warning, it might get a little dark, so be warned. Enjoy!

"Let's try this, one more time. Where the hell are they?!"   "Go to hell."   "Sorry, but looks like you will instead, sweetheart." I said, carving part of their arm away, their screams of pain resounding in my ears. I smirked, waiting for the man in front of me to call 'Uncle'. This was going to be fun........

~~Two Days Earlier~~

"I think I found us a case." Sam said as I walked back into the motel room we were currently in. "What is it?" I asked, looking around and seeing Dean walk out of the bathroom, drying his hands. "Electrical storms, random dead bodies, usual demon stuff. Should we?"   "We've driven farther for less." Dean pointed out, taking his lunch from me. I handed Sam his usual salad and pulled out my food, sitting down across from him and he turned his laptop around to show me the article he found. I read through it and wrinkled my nose.

"I don't know guys, this doesn't seem like our kind of gig."   "Come on Kaylee, chill. If there's nothing there, we go to a bar and chill out." Dean said, pulling out drinks. He paused. "I just realized something, you're 16 and we never did anything." He said, pointing to me. "We never do."   "Well, here." He said, holding a beer out to me. "You're serious."    "Why wouldn't I be?"   "Dean, you've never let me have more than a few drinks of alcohol, and that was when you were stitching me up, or something."   "Well, times have changed. Eat up, and we're out." He said, putting the beer on the table, handing one to Sam, then sitting down with one of his own. I smiled at our dysfunctional little family. We weren't much, but we had each other.

On the road, I looked up the vic's family's address and pulled up a map and plotted our route. "Take a left in 2 miles." I told Dean. "You sure?"   "Who's the driver? You. Who's the navigator? Me. Have I ever got us lost before?" I asked and Dean shook his head, turning left where I said too and, sure enough, we were outside Michelle Bee's house, where she lived with her boyfriend, Wiliam.

"I don't understand, what does the FBI want with Michelle? Her death was an accident. right?" Wil asked us. "We're just covering all the bases, sir." I told him, finally doing this with them, pretending to be an intern. We had gotten me a suit with pants (I'll be damned before I willingly wear a skirt).

"Before your girlfriend's accident, did you notice any temperature changes or weird smells, sort of like sulfur, almost?" Dean asked. "No, what that have to do with anything?" "Again, just covering all the bases." Sam told him. We eventually decided to leave, when I noticed something on the window sill. Making sure Will was busy, I pressed my finger into it and sniffed it, clarifying it as sulfur. I put some into a bag I had in my pocket and followed the guys out.

"Well, he's clean." Dean said as we walked to the car. "Yeah, except for the sulfur on his window sill." I said, pulling out the bag I had. "Good work, Kay, how'd you know it was there?" Sam asked. "I pay attention, idgit." I said, smirking as I got into the car. "So, what now? We go to her parents, see if anything's off?" Sam asked. "If you do, can you drop me off at the motel room? I wanna double check something." "Sure. let's go." Dean said and we drove off.

"Don't die and don't kill any people!" I said as they drove away and I'm pretty sure Dean flipped me off. I smirked and turned around, heading inside the empty motel room. I grabbed my laptop and opened a search engine, noticing the time. "I'll research until they get back, then crash." I told myself, typing away.

At some point, I must have fallen asleep, because I woke up the next morning, my head on my arm, and my phone telling me it was 5:00 AM. I sat up, cracking my neck and back, and realized the guys weren't there. "Guys? Guys?" I asked, looking around. The beds weren't touched and they were no where to be seen.

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