All Hell Breaks Loose

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It had been a while since the whole Rhydian and Demons thing and we were on our way to..........actually, I don't remember. We pulled up outside of the Sunnyside Diner and Sam was getting out to get food. "Hey, don't forget the extra onions this time, huh?" Dean asked Sam, handing him money. "Dude, Kay and I are the ones who are gonna have to ride with your extra onions." Sam retaliated, getting out and sighing. Dean grinned. "Hey, see if they've got any pie." Dean said and Sam glared at him as he shut the door. "Bring me some pie! Love me some pie." Dean muttered the last part and I chuckled.

We watched Sam walk into the café and talk to the waiter. Out of nowhere, the radio goes staticky. Dean glanced down and fiddled with it, but ended up turning it off. I looked back up and slapped Dean's shoulder. The cafe is empty.

We got out and ran into the cafe. One customer at a booth is dead, face down in a puddle of blood. Dean and I pulled out our guns. "Sam?" I asked. Dean walked forward and we looked around. I looked behind the counter and found the employees also dead, throats slit. Dean opened the back door and looked around outside. "Sam?!" He yelled into the darkness. He looked on the door and looked at me, terror in his eyes. "What?" I asked him, instantly worried. "Sulfur." We raced back outside. "Sam! Sammy! Sam? Sammy!" We yell, getting no response. "SAAAAM!" We scream together. We looked at each other and got in the car, flooring it to Bobby's

We ended up calling Bobby and we were currently parked on the side of the road, pouring over a map. "This is it. All demonic signs and omes over the past month." Bobby said, gesturing to the blank map. "Are you joking? There’s nothing here." Dean said. "Exactly." Bobby agreed. "Well, come on, there’s gotta be something. What about the, the, the normal, low-level stuff? You know, exorcisms, that kind of thing." I asked, becoming desperate. "That's what I'm telling you; there's nothing. It's completely quiet."  "Well, how are we supposed to look for Sam? What, do we just close our eyes and point?" Dean asked. His phone rang and he stepped away.

"What about your psycic thing, Kaylee? Wouldn't that help?" Bobby asked. "That's the first thing I tried, but whoever took Sam, knew about me, the closest I got was somewhere in the U.S. I hate those pocket watches."  "Well, it ain't the watches that mess with you."  "What do you mean?"  "I gave the watch you gave me to an old friend of mine. Turns out it had a spell engraved on it. It would only work on you. That's why it didn't bother Sam, or even Dean."  "So, someone has something against me? That's a lot of people......." I muttered, rubbing my forehead. Dean walked back over. "I guess we're going to the Roadhouse. Come on." We got into the car and drove off.

We finally got to the Roadhouse, but when we got there, it was entirely burned to the ground. "What the hell?" Dean muttered and we got out of the car, walking among the debris. Every single piece of the Roadhouse was destroyed. "Oh, my God." I heard Bobby mutter. "Either of you see Ellen?" Dean asked. "No. No Ash, either." Bobby said. I noticed something and bent down. I noticed Ash's watch in the rubble. I pulled on it and saw it attatched to Ash's very burnt corpse. "Oh, Ash, damn it!" I said and Dean walked over, cursing.

"This is.........." Bobby said, trailing off. "What the hell did Ash know? We’ve got no way of knowing where Ellen is. Or if she’s even alive. We’ve got no clue what Ash was gonna tell us. Now, how the hell are we gonna find Sam?" Dean asked. "We'll find him." Bobby reassured.Suddenly, Dean clutched his head in pain. "Dean?" I asked, thinking it was like Sam's 'headaches'. He groaned and doubled over. "What was that?" Bobby asked.

"I don't know. A headache?" Dean said, more like asking. "You get headaches likt that a lot?" Bobby asked. "No. Must be the stress." He chuckled. "I could have sworn I saw something."  "What do you mean? Like a vision? Like what Sam gets?" I asked. "What? No!" He yelled at me. "Just sayin'."   "Come on, I’m not some psychic." 

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