Chapter 7

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Arianna's P.O.V

As we walked to the bay, Katara explained everything that happened from when they woke up Aang, to the moment he went to find the giant monster sea serpent, which I was still not happy about but I let Katara go ahead alone to have their private talk and stood out of sight but within earshot if something happened.

A good thing I did to because a few minutes later I heard screaming coming from the water. I sprinted round the corner, staff in hand to see my little brother hanging off one of the sea serpent's whiskers hundreds of meters in the air. I could only watch as the creature shook is giant head so harshly that Aang was flung into the air and splashed down into the water, fortunately he was closer to us but unfortunately the beast honed in on Aang and Katara who went into the water to help Aang.

Shaking off my shock I launched myself into the air and opened my staff so it unfolded into a glider, using the air I propelled myself forward and sliced at the serpent's face with streams of air in an effort to distract it.

It suddenly dived back into the deep but allowed me to see something that made me wish for the serpent back.

Zuko's ship.

Zuko's ship.

Zuko's ship.

I am so dead.

I quickly dropped from the air before I was spotted and ran to the village in an attempt to warn the but I was already too late. Fire-nation steeds were left near Kyoshi's statue, homes were burning, Fire-nation soldiers and Kyoshi Warriors were fighting along the smaller streets and behind houses but worst of all in the middle of the flames and destruction stood one person I would love to set fire to (okay a little harsh... maybe just his hair)

The banished Fire-nation Prince Zuko.

He had his back turned to me and called out to the village.

"Come out Avatar. These girls can't protect you."

This is when I decided to make my presence known.

"What about me?"

He spun round, his angry red scar seeming evil, his stance alert and aggressive and lips curled up into a snarl but his eyes showed what he felt.

His amber eyes glowed, reflecting the wavering flames and showing anger, violence, hostility but also pain, regret, betrayal, sadness and...  something else that I can't seem to name.

"Well, well, well." His tone was clipped and emotionless.

"It's been a long time Arianna."

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