Chapter 10

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You and Bruno both went to your separate rooms to get ready and dressed. He was most likely going to wear his classic white zipper suit. You on the other hand couldn't decide on whether you should wear an alternative fit or skater fit or soft goth fit. It's a tough time isn't it?

You thought to yourself about how people in the early 2000's would feel about your clothing choice.

"Wouldn't they call me 'satanic' if i wore a goth fit again? The last time everyone thought i looked weird. I kinda wanna wear the soft goth fit but it's kinda chilly outside and i need to cover up. I should wear the skater looking outfit."

You decided on the skater fit. It was some very baggy men's grey pants, a white under shirt, and a grey and black striped sweater, with black worn out converse. You had your (h/l) (h/c) hair down.

(h/c) -Hair color
(h/l)- Hair length

Once you were ready, you met Bruno in the living room. Abbacchio was chilling on a chair in the living room and waiting tv. You both told everyone bye and Bruno told them we would be back later.

Once you and Bruno exited the building, you noticed someone peculiar walking around a corner. You decided to just ignore them because you had things to do. Bruno opened the car door for you and you got in. Once he was in he started the conversation

"Let me grab the lighter for you Sage"

He then grabbed the lighter that was still lit from the zipper void. He handed it to you. You exhaled in relief that it was still lit.

"Thank you Bruno, this should be a piece of cake getting it back"

He laughed a bit and nodded his head, the car ride then got silent. Man it was awkward, neither of you know what to talk about. The rest of the ride to where Polpo is was silent except for the occasional you getting scared that the lighter would go out.

When you guys got there Bruno waved you good luck

"Good luck with the test, i'm sure Polpo will be surprised when you give him the lighter"

Because you would get checked, you had to shoot the lighter, again. Luckily you have silencers on your guns. You gave your stand the lighter then backed away, you made sure you weren't close to the entrance of the building and then your stand shot the lighter. Luckily it didn't go out and it somehow repaired itself? You decided not the question it since it has something to do with Polpo's stand.

Now that the lighter was visible, you took it back from your stand and your stand disappeared. You then walked to the entrance.

As you walked into the police building, you saw the same officer from the day before, who was also the lady who checked Giorno. She patted you down and then let you through. You walked down the hallway wondered what the date was.

What's the date again? I completely forgot. I don't have my phone on me so i can't check. Oh well i'll just wait until i get back.

You started to see Polpo's cell while walking down the hallway. He was in the bed form like he was before and with Giorno. When you approached, it took him a few seconds to get up.

"Ah i see our little Sage is back? So how did it go?"

"I got your lighter here, in perfect shape and still lit"

He took the lighter and put the flame out.

"Welcome to Passione"

He handed you the pin given to members of Passione. You put it in your pocket and then walked off.

Once you were given the pin and it was in your pocket, you cut the nice respectful act.

"See ya, watch out for bananas."

He didn't hear the last part but he did hear your goodbye, he went back to sleep once you walked off

When you got to the end of the hallway, you walked into the checking room. The lady checked you and then let you go. You're officially now part of Passione.

When you walked out of the building, Bruno was waiting in the car for you.

You walked up to the car and opened the door and entered. Bruno greeted you.

"Good job in there, everyone is waiting for us back at the place, we've got to discuss the next mission"

"Already? Alright! Some action!"

"This will probably be on the more easy side since this is your first mission, well i'm hoping it's easier. We never know the difficulty of our missions until we get the details"

I wouldn't mind a little challenge, i need to figure out all my abilities and my limits. I also need to get stronger. Stronger, i have to be strong enough to fight Diavolo. I cant let anyone else die. Even Risotto and his gang but if they get in my way, then what happens, happens.

You thought about your future plans on the way back to the hangout.

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