Chapter 9

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"Hey Sage wake up, we are back."

Aggghh I just passed out

"What, where are we, whats going on?"

"We are back silly, let's go the others are probably worried."

Bruno had already gotten out the car and had your door opened for you. He put his hand out and you put your hand in his. He helped you out of the car since you were still half asleep.

He then picked you up, you were so tired you fell asleep in his arms as he was bringing you to the bedroom he cleaned up for you. When you got there he noticed you fell asleep again. He then put you down on the bed and tucked you in the bed. He then started to walk towards the exit but he decided to turn around and gave you a peck on your forehead.

"Good night Sage, sleep tight."

He then walked towards the exit again and closed the door quietly.

Fugo had just read Narancia his bedtime stories and managed to get him to sleep. Mista and Abbacchio were still awake in the living room watching TV shows together.

This is how Mista and Abbachio bond together, they watch movies and drink wine. Mista only drinks wine for Abbacchio. They were watching murder mystery shows. Abbacchio was working on trying to get past what happened to him and this was his first step so Mista decided to keep him company. This became a regular thing for them.

After Bruno tucked you in, he made his way to the living room and saw that Mista and Abbachio were watching movies and drinking wine and decided to join them.

Fugo was most likely asleep with Narancia. Sometimes reading Narancia bed time stories put himself to sleep.

For another hour or so Bruno, Mista, and Abbacchio watched movies and drank wine together. Bruno even went fix some cheese and crackers which made the pistols come out. They then all ate the food together like drunkies and went to sleep after their bonding moments together.

(No I don't ship Abba and Mista, I just like the idea that the gang like to make bonds with each other and hang out)

Ok back to Sage

You woke up to Narancia by your bedside. He had tapped your face in hopes of waking you up. Bruno had asked someone to come wake you up since he was making breakfast. Narancia had volunteered.

"Hey Sage! How did you sleep?"

"Morning Nara, I slept like a baby haha. I was tired and passed out."

Im a bit confused on how I ended up in bed. I last remember being in the car with Bruno. He must have put me to sleep. He really is an angel. I've gotten attached to him. I definitely can't let him die. I guess I'm going to be changing the story. I gotta get closer to Fugo too so that he goes with us.

"Come on Sage, Let's go get breakfast! Bruno made  pancakes with fruit and syrup."

Narancia ruffled you hair, grabbed your hand and pulled you to the kitchen. You were still half asleep and in your clothes from yesterday. You needed to shower too.

Everyone but Mista was in the kitchen already. Mista doesn't do well when he gets drunk. His pistols had some wine which made him have a mega hangover so he was sleeping in. Abbacchio had dark circles under his eyes and was laid down across the couch. Bruno was making pancakes and cutting fruit. He was almost done with the last plate that was freshly made for you. Bruno must not have drunken as much as the other two because he did not seem hang over at all.

The only reason you knew of all of this was because in your sleep your stand was subconsciously watching them and you thought it was a dream at first. This morning confirmed that it was not a dream.

Im a bit confused on how they didn't see my stand peeking in on them. Bruno could have noticed but the other two were too drunk to notice.

As you walked down the stairs, you passed Abbacchio who was laid on the couch listening to his music with his $2 headphones from the store.

You flicked his forehead

"Morning Wine Aunt."

He gave you a glare that looked like a dog about to snap.

"Morning, dont do that again, and don't call me Wine Aunt."


"Morning Bruno!"

"Morning Sage. I just finished making your plate, here you go."

He handed you a plate. What surprised you was not the food but what Bruno was wearing. He was in a baggy t-shirt with sweatpants. He had fuzzy bunny slippers and had his hair tied back.

You thanked him for the food and he grabbed a plate for himself and came sit down with you at the table.

"So Sage, shouldn't we be leaving soon to go give the lighter to Polpo?"

"Oh yea your right."

He took the lighter out of the zipper and it was still lit. You were surprised on how it was still lit.

Fugo and Narancia had already eaten but decided to go sit down with you guys. When Fugo and Narancia sat down, Mista came walking down the stairs. He looked as if he hadn't slept all night.

"Holy crap Mista, good morning"

Everyone told him good morning and Bruno got up

"You shouldn't have over done yourself Mista, you know how you get when your drunk. The hangovers are pure hell."

Mista held his hand on his forehead.

"Urgg, im not drinking for a long time after this, you should have stopped me Abbacchio!"

Abbacchio just looked at him and sneered

"Well you seemed as if you enjoyed yourself last night, I didnt want to ruin your fun."

Mista looked at the man laying down with one headphone over his ear with annoyance and shook his head.

Bruno was holding Mista's shoulder and guided him to the living room chair where he sat down and Bruno gave him his breakfast and some water.

"Eat up and rest, also make sure to take some headache medication."

After Mista ate his breakfast, he at went take some medicine and went back upstairs. He was probably going back to sleep.

You and Bruno finished your breakfast as well and decided to go upstairs and get dressed and ready.

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