Chapter 3

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(y/n) Pov

As you were walking down the side walk, a beautiful little butterfly flew to you and turned into your wallet.

"Ah I knew you would return to me!"

You check and see if your items are still there.

"My things are still here, lucky me. Good thing because I'm starving!"

You continue on your adventure but started to feel weird when you sensed someone watching you. You looked to your left to see a boy in an alley all alone. He looked around your age, you couldn't see what he looked like. You could closer to see he was bleeding. He had stab wounds on his arms and was on the verge of passing out.

"Oh god I dont want to get involved but I should probably help him."

You get closer to him and get a closer look, wait you know this person.

"Fugo? I should do something asap."

You see he passed out and you try to pick him up but some men interfere.

"Found him boys! Wait who the hell are you bitch?"

Oh shit they must have chased Fugo. Fuck

"Why do you need to know?"

"Answer me Bitch!"

"Sage (i'm changing it to something more neutral or it could be what you want)"

You had to use a fake name, you couldn't let them figure who you are and send people after you. No one in this world except for Giorno who's who you are.

"Get away from him bitch, this is non of your business!"

Shit i guess I get to test out my stand.

Your stand materializes next to you. 2 golden pistols appear in your hands and you light them up. 1 of them unluckily has a stand and blocks you bullets while the other 2 die.


"Hey Sage looks like you have a stand. This will be fun."

You guys begin fighting it out. His stand throws punches while yours dodges and pistol whips his in the face making him stumble.

"You bitch!"

You then rush towards him with a blade in your hand you nabbed from one of the dead men. You managed to get him straight in the stomach making him cough up blood.

"God dammit... boss will be mad"

He says.

"Boss? Fuck I killed a gang member."

After you shot each of them in the head to make sure they were done for, you checked on Fugo. He was alive but unconscious and barely holding on. Luckily you had bandages and a first aid kit in your suitcase. You proceeded to patch him up when a man with long silver hair and purple long coat appeared. It was Abbacchio.

Fuck not Abbacchio hes not the person I want to deal with right now.

"Who the hell are you and what are you doing to Fugo?!"

Abbacchio Pov:

Bucciarati sent me to go check on Fugo since he was taking extra long to get back. Fugo demanded to take the job so he could be useful for once. That dumbass probably got his ass beat. He might even be dead. I hope not, Bruno would be upset and I can't stand when he's upset.

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