Chapter 8

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He handed you the still lit lighter.

"So I'm guessing you already know of Polpo's stand Black Sabbath since you mentioned him. Be careful, ok? I dont want you to get hurt."

"I'll be fine. I have my stand Easy Lover. I don't think it would let me die haha."

"Good, just know I'm here as well if you need someone to protect you. I've done body guard work before."

As Bruno was driving to the base, you noticed something or you should say someone.

Wait hold on, is that Cioccolata and Secco? Wait why are they around here? And they are leading an innocent lady away? Shit I gotta do something.

"Hey Bruno pullover, those two people over there. They work under the boss but they are about to commit horrible acts to that lady. We have to do something."

"Sage, the others are expecting us to be home by now. Do you know these people?"

(more spoilers)

"Yes I do, Cioccolata and Secco. They are the boss's personal guards but Cioccolata is a 'doctor' for a living. His assistant Secco video tapes their victims as Cioccolata wakes them up during the middle of their surgery and cuts them open without anesthesia. It is horrific. She probably thinks he is a doctor bringing her to his clinic."

"Oh we cannot let him do that to that lady. A lady's boundaries should not be disrespected like that. Let's go Sage. Also do you know of his abilities?"

"Yes I do, luckily I have a plan, it may be a bit graphic. I think i can change my stand's bullets to dissolve or non dissolve. I'll pop a cap in him."

Bruno has no idea what this means since this is 2020 humor and your in 2001 but he's going with it.

I'll have to show him memes later. Ooo this is gonna be great. My idea will be peak gen z humor haha.

"Ok so the plan is we wait until they are about to do surgery on the girl, we sneak in and ill shoot Cioccolata in the head and you'll use your sticky fingers to remove Secco's arms so he can't burrow underground. You can then use your Sticky Fingers to punch him to death. After we grab the girl and run for it. Any questions?"

"No, only thing is what do we do about their bodies, do we just leave them or do I need to discard of them?"

"We can leave them. This will make news go around. We will watch everything unfold before our eyes. Also take this mask, just for incase things go south, they cannot recognize us."

You two approach the door with the room they are in. You both put your masks on.

You whisper to him

"Hey can u make a zipper so its quieter?"

"Sure thing."

He whispers back making the zipper to the room very slowly and quietly.

You peek in and there they are, they just put the girl to sleep and haven't noticed you, since they have their back turned.

You look at Bruno, he figured to wait on your signal to start the attack.



Bruno got a bit confused by the signal but he did what he had to do.


Secco shouted before Bruno could send a barrage of punches causing Secco's arms to to be unzipped. His mouth was also zipped shut so he wouldn't yell or anything.

(tw, this may be sensitive for some people, continue at your own risk)

After you look at Secco, you look at the brain matter that splattered on the wall from that shot Cioccolata took. Luckily it only took one. You put 2 fingers on his neck to check for a heart beat. He was dead.

You look over as you hear a bunch of Ari's followed by an Arriverderci. You checked Secco's vitals after, he was dead as well.

"Good job there Hitman, I never would have thought you would be so merciless."

"Its nothing like that, these are horrible people who deserved this fate. Weird how we changed their fate a bit. I wonder what will happen next in the future. Hopefully it will be able to change it in a good way. Next we should try and convince La Squadra to not go after us. Which will be difficult."

"Let's grab the girl and get going Bruno."

"Wait Sage what should we do with her? We can't exactly bring her with us."

"True, we can drop her off at a real hospital. Let's get going then."

You took the girl and put her on your back. When you got to the car, you laid her down in the back seat. You and Bruno then took a ride to the hospital. It was getting late and the others are probably worried.

You went and placed her down by the entrance and walked away. You saw someone come out side and bring her inside. Hopefully she'll be safe now. You got back in the car with Bruno and you two made your way back to the others.

"Today was such a tiring day. Wait, where is the lighter?"

"Oh when we got out to follow those people with the lady, you put the lighter down so I took it and put it back in the zipper."

He took out the still lit lighter.

"You might as well just leave it in there. Its alot safer in there than in my hands haha."

"I have a question Sage, why did you yell that when you shot the man?"

You started to giggle

"Oh its a joke from my time, im going to have to show you some memes, Narancia and Mista would like them. Especially Narancia."

Bruno looked at you confused. You forgot that they do not have Instagram and social media. They don't really know what memes are.

"Im a bit sleepy, so I'm going to take a nap, can you wake me up when we get back?"

You said

"Sure thing."

Tsk, Why Me? (vento aureo x reader)Where stories live. Discover now