Chapter 5- Riley

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Castiel and Dean had been enjoying the silence, no wind, no people, absolutely no sound but the two's harmonized breathing. Dean glanced over to Cas, being subtle about it. Cas had his eyes closed,hands behind his head, elbows in the air, and denim covered legs,crossed. Dean slightly smiled, then hearing a very familiar voice say "Oh,hey Dean"

Dean looked over immediately,Cas did the same....It was Riley,the girl Dean had a current crush on. "Oh, h-hey Riley!" Dean said,going to a full on smile. She was tall,around 5'4" to 5'5",curvy, had wavy/curly layered hair that went down to her chest,two blonde peek-a-boo streaks,and amazing brown eyes,that turned a smooth caramel color in the sun,and a deep almond color at sunset. She was very tomboy,and loved video games,was a soccer player, always listened to music,mainly from Fall Out Boy and Green Day. She always wore plaid and jeans,sometimes beanies, never dresses or pink, but would occasionally wear normal t-shirts,with things like "Back From The Dead" with 'Back To The Future' designing,or her Brazil 'Neymar Jr. 10' Jersey.

"What's up?" She asked Dean, doing crazy tricks with her soccer ball and an earbud in her ear

"Oh...just hanging out with Cas" he said softly,then looking over to Castiel

Cas waved,she was a pretty cool girl but he was jealous. Riley smiled and passed the ball to Dean, but as he was unaware it hit him in the nose and he fell back. "Ouch....sorry dude..." she said,grabbing the ball that started rolling down the slope of grass

Cas felt a fist clench,but it let go and he relaxed when Dean slightly laughed and said "it's ok,I'm fine"

Feel free to text me for suggestions or anything of the sort,it would be appreciated :)
Cya later muchachos

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