Chapter 6- Sleepover

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Dean walked back to the two,and as he did so,Riley grabbed her soccer ball,and said "I have to go,I'll see you guys on Monday" and walked down the hill,doing a slight dance to 'Basket Case' by Green Day.

Cas twiddled his thumbs and asked softly "dean....are you doing anything tonight?" Blushing a light shade of pink.

"Oh....uh...." Dean mumbled, then looked up at the blue sky,speckled with smooth,thin clouds "no,no I don't, why?" He asked.

" you want to stay the night at my house.....?" Cas said shyly, then said "you don't have to! It's up to you." Hoping dean wouldn't think he was weird

Deans face lit up, and he said "of course! Sounds cool" with a smile, staring into Cas's ocean blue eyes,deeper than any ocean or river

Cas looked back into his forest green eyes,and smiled,then kissed his cheek and blushed furiously, feeling a fear of Deans reaction shoot through his body as he tensed up

Dean chuckled and smiled,kissing Cas back on the cheek.

~7 hours later ~

Cas looked at the clockl,and it read 10:34 P.M.,Cas was sitting down on his bed, dean on his side,as they watched "The Conjuring"

Cas was on edge,paranoia coursing through his veins, anticipating anything that could happen anytime, while Dean was perfectly calm,relaxed in his seat.

Cas tried doing the same thing as Dean,and relaxed,then felt a yawn build up in his mouth as he let it free. He leaned over a bit,not realizing it was deans shoulder as he rested his eyes.

Dean looked at Cas and felt his cheeks turn a bright red,and instead of saying anything,he put an arm around cas placing his head onto his own chest

Dean,I can't make it without you (Destiel)Where stories live. Discover now