Chapter 8- What was that?

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Cas went wide eyed. He immediately pulled away, looking at Dean with a startled look,similar to a cornered, feral animal.

"Dean...what was that?!" Cas asked , not knowing why,but liking what Dean had just done.

"It was a kiss." Dean whispered,heart falling and crashing in his chest.

"I know that, but...I meant why" Cas said softly,soon calming down and returning to his original position in front of Dean.

"Well...i-i....just i thought it might help you and I like-" He yelled,tears welling in his eyes as he talked fast when he was cut off.

Cas kissed him,eyes fluttering shut and are draped on Dean's shoulders. "I like you too..." He whispered against Dean's lips, eyes slowly opening and staring into Dean's green beauties.

Dean's heart immediately repaired,eyes wide with hope and joy,his tears turning to tears of happiness. "R-really?" He stuttered, then felt a hand on the back of His neck.

Cas nodded,then moved his hand down to Dean's, taking Dean's hand into his own. "Yeah, now cmon, we should go" he murmured.

~20 minutes later~

"Great. Were here" Cas said,gulping loudly.

"Cas, you'll be okay,I promise, I'll be there for you" Dean reassured him,lightly squeezing Cas's hand.

Cas took a deep breath as they approached the school,entering its back gate. Once they reached the media center,Cas and dean split up for a quick second to find their schedules. Cas found his quickly,finding out he got all honors, but not advanced math. He went to the middle of the media center,looking for Dean frantically,when he felt arms be thrown around him.

"Hey,Cas!" He heard a familiar female voice say cheerfully.

Cas turned around to find Riley,the girl he'd bonded with over summer break. They exchanged schedules, finding out they shared all the same honors classes. "Alright,see you in science" Cas smiled and waved her goodbye then found Dean. "What's your schedule?" He asked,finding out he and Dean had theater arts,p.e,math,and lunch together.

Cas's schedule:
Period One: Beginning Theater Arts, Mrs.Blea
Period Two: Honors Life Science, Mrs. Quijano
Period Three: Pre-Algebra, Mr. Hagadorn
Period Four: Physical Ed. , Mr.Dyer
Period Five: Honors World History, Mr. Avila
Period Six: Lunch
Period Seven: Honors English, Mrs.MacKay

Dean's schedule:
Period One: Beginning Theater Arts, Mrs.Blea
Period Two: English, Mrs. O'Donahue
Period Three: Pre-Algebra, Mr. Hagadorn
Period Four: Physical Ed. , Mr.Dyer
Period Five: World History, Mrs.Brown
Period Six: Lunch
Period Seven: Life Science: Wetherbee

(Hope you enjoyed the update, I know its not cool to advertise myself but I'd love it if you checked out "Kill and Love", I could use any opinion, or it'd be awesome if you checked out my new Insta account: FandomEditsAndCollages.
Cya later muchachos- TotalGeekGurl99)

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