Chapter One- Kindergarten

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Dean was holding his mother's hand on the way to the school. It was big,too big. And he didnt know anyone. He hugged her leg. "Mommy I dont wanna go" he whimpered.

Mary ruffled his hair "dean.. cmon.. you'll have fun! And meet some new friends! Here,how about you go and talk to the kid in thr trenchcoat? He seems nice"

Cas was fumbling with some blocks,being too shy to approach anyone,but then he was shocked by a kid his age,Dean, who just scratched his head and said " d-Dean" while blushing and fixing his leather jacket

"Oh...uh...hi I'm Cas-Castiel" he said,twiddling with his thumbs

Dean sat next to cas. "Cool legos"

"Oh thats awesome!" Dean smiled. "C-can I build something?"

"Oh,sure" Cas said,handing him a half full box of Legos

Dean built the impala and lifted it up shakily "I-is it good?"

Cas sat in amazement and said "woah I can only build this" he said,holding a statue of a container with blue in it

"Whats that?" Dean asked and tilted his head to one side

"What dweam?" Dean scowled

"I was taller,and I was with a gwon up that you wook wike and there was another gwon up,and I just saw it and when I pwicked it up,it exploded" Cas said,making exploding sound effects and hand motions He just paused and stared at the car,he pointed and yelled "THAT CAR WAS THERE TWOO"

"B-B-But....thats my dad's car! Casti-cas! "

"What?" Cas said,trying to remember the faint dream

Dean pointed at the car "thats my dad's impawa"

"No way! B-but-" Cas was cut off by the teacher saying "alright class,today I'm your teacher,mrs einspar"

John ran to the teacher and whispered something to her "Oh my god! Im- im so sorry!" She said

"What was that Dwean?" Cas said pointing at the man

"Daddy! "Dean squealed "Youre too early" he scowled.

"Dean,I gotta talk to you buddy.. come here"

Cas just reached out to Dean and he managed to grab his hand and ask "don't weave me"

"Daddy just wanna tawk. Wight daddy?" Dean said

"Yeah,dean,please just.. cmon" he lifts him up and takes him to a courner

Cas just begins to cry when he's poked on the back by a kind of fattish kid with an accent and he said "stop whining"

John looked at dean softly. "Dean... we... "We had a fire.. at home and... And mom... she.. shes gone,okay? Shes up in heaven now.. and .. shes an angel.." his voice cracked

Cas saw Dean crying and walk back into class and Cas asked while hugging him"what happened Dwean?"

Dean just couldnt stop crying. He hugged cas and sobbed

Cas just said "Dwean,it's ok,what happened?"

"Mommys gone " he cried

"Did she go on vacation?" Cas asked,his trench coat getting drenched from the tears of Dean

"N-no !! She's in heaven" he sobbed

"Oh,I'm sowwy,I don't know where my mom is" Cas said,clutching Dean tightly

Dean just hugged him and cried

The teacher made her way to them "castiel ,can you pay attemtion to class? And dean,wanna go wash your

Cas held Deans hand and said "he's my bwuddy" So she just let them both go to the sink and dry deans eyes

Dean washed his face and blinked a few times

"Are you ok bwuddy?" Cas asked,hugging Dean

Dean nodded and hugged cas "Best fwiends?"

Dean put his hand out to shake on it,but Cas ran in for a hug and whispered "best fwiends"

Dean giggled a little "I wove you"

Cas hugged him closer and said "I wove you too,forever"

Dean kissed his cheek and blushed

Cas just smiled and held deans hand and lead him to class

Dean just followed cas shyly

Cas sat down and pulled Dean lightly and Dean sat down beside him,their hands still together

The teacher smiled "okay guys! I will hand you some colouring pages and im gonna hang up on the wall the most beautiful ones!" Dean glanced at cas

Cas just looked back at Dean and said "Do you wanna color together?" While holding deans hand closer

Cas just looked back at Dean and said "Do you wanna color together?" While holding deans hand closer

"yeah! Lets make something cool!" Dean yelled

"Yea!" Cas yelled as they was handed a coloring page of an adorable pony

"Pony!!" Cas squeals

"How do we make this awesome " Dean said,with a -_- look on his face

"Color it black and red!!" Cas yelled

Cas grabbed black and red crayons from the crayon box and handed the red one to Dean

"Oh! How about we make his eyes black?!" Cas suggested

"Yeah!!! Sounds cool!" Dean yelled and he started drawing when he accidenly broke the crayon . He pouted.

Cas moved his fingers,then the crayon was like it was brand new

"W-what.... h-how did you do that?"... Deans eyes widened

"Thats SO weird!"Dean made a face "If I break my awm can you fix it?"

"I-I think swo" Cas said,stuttering from not being sure if he could Cas just shrugged and said "I'm pwetty sure I cwould"

Thank you for reading,and if you enjoyed this chapter of this story,find smosh_ily, she is just.....AMAZAYN,and she's the inspiration of this story,and if you want more,please leave a comment or something,well....only do It if you feel like it :P

Cya later muchachos


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