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My jaw dropped as I looked around me. Snow was falling gently, and a few flakes landed on my eyelashes. The trees were bare with no sign of green, but it was quite peaceful.I had always loved the quiet beauty of winter, and this only increased my endearment. Peter and Susan looked just as shocked as I did, while Lucy had a huge smile on her face. Edmund was looking quite sheepish, and I remembered what he had said.

"You liar!" Peter seemed to remember the same time I did. "You said you were just playing along with Lucy, that Narnia wasn't real!"

"You didn't believe her when she told you either!" Edmund exclaimed, trying to come up with a good excuse for his lies.

"Apologize to Lucy." Peter said sternly. "Now."

"Alright, alright. I'm sorry" Edmund muttered, but it seemed good enough for Peter.

"I suppose a sorry from us wouldn't cut it?" Peter said, now turning to Lucy.

"No, but this might." Lucy said with a devilish grin, chucking a snowball at her brother. A snowball fight ensues, each of us becoming covered in snow. Until Susan hit Edmund on the arm and he let out a whine.

Peter was getting ready to tear into Edmund again when Susan interrupted them. "We should go back."

"Go back?" Lucy exclaimed. "You haven't even met Mr. Tumnus yet!" Susan looked to Peter, obviously expecting him to make the decision. I could see him weighing the sides in his head. On one hand he had Susan who wanted to take the safer route, which would guarantee the protection of his siblings. But they had been pretty awful to Lucy, not believing her and all.

"It's up to Lucy." Peter evidently decided he wanted to see more of the new land, and I couldn't say I wasn't excited to venture for myself. Lucy's face lit up, and she let out a squeal.

Susan sighed, already stressed. "Well we need warmer clothes for this snow."

Peter walked towards the closet and pulled out five coats. "I don't think the Professor will be missing these anytime soon." He handed each of his siblings a coat, and threw one at me. I tried to act like it didn't phase me, but I really didn't appreciate his aggression. I had no idea what I did to him, but it would be nice if he could stop being such a brat.

We each slipped a coat on, and followed Lucy to Mr. Tumnus' house. Along the way, I admired the bright white landscape. So far we hadn't seen any other animal or human, which caused a pit to begin to form in my stomach. The bare trees seemed more menacing the further we walked, and I felt like we were being watched. I didn't know if any of the others shared the same uneasy feelings I did, but I figured it would be best to not bring it up. The last thing I needed was more of Peter's tormenting.

Finally, we reached a grey stone wall that had a brown door in it. However, the door was pulled off it's hinges, and debris was scattered across the lawn. "Mr. Tumnus!" Lucy took off into the house, the rest of us calling after her. We all let out a collective gasp once we caught up to Lucy inside the cave. The faun's house was in much worse condition than the outside had been. Pages from books, shards of glass, and pieces of wood were strewn across the floor, with no sign of Mr. Tumnus. Lucy was distraught, frantically searching for any sign of the faun.

I looked on one of the walls, and saw a piece of paper hanging. "The Former occupant of these premises, the faun Tumnus, is under arrest and awaiting his trial on a charge of High Treason against her imperial Majesty Jadis, Queen of Narnia, Chatelaine of Cair Paravel, Empress of the Lone Islands, also to comforting her said Majesty's enemies, harbouring spies and fraternizing with humans. It's signed Maugrim, captain of the Secret Police, long live the Queen." I read to the others in the house. Lucy's eyes were wide with fear as she turned to her older siblings.

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