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Peter's POV:
I woke before the others, and quietly relit the fire. Without it, the night had gotten quite cold, even the large coat I was wearing didn't do much to stop the winter wind.

I looked across the sleeping group, each of their breath creating small clouds in the air. My gaze landed on Reya and Lucy. I had watched Reya help my little sister in admiration all day. Even though they had just barely met, Reya was already taking care of her like she was her own. To see Reya so gentle and protective made my heart flutter, but it was just a stupid crush. I had never been good with my feelings. I had a few school flings over the years, but nothing serious. If I ever got too close to someone, I would just shut down. If I just push everyone away, I won't get hurt.

Reya shifted in her sleep, and I tore my eyes from her. I didn't need to be caught staring.

"Morning." Susan said quietly from beside me, with a suspicious smile. She had been watching me.

"What?" I snapped.

"Oh nothing." She chuckled quietly, as the rest of the group began to wake. Lucy rolled out of Reya's arms, and sat up. Everyone made their way around the fire, and sat for a few moments in silence, when the fox finally spoke.

"It's been an honor, but Aslan asked me to gather more troops."

"You've seen Aslan?" Lucy asked in wonder. "What's he like?"

"Like everything we've ever heard, and more. You'll be glad to have him by your side in battle."

"We're not going to war!" Susan exclaimed, pleading with me to shut down the idea.

"We just want our brother back." I don't think asking children to lead an army was the best idea, but I couldn't just leave these creatures to be ruled by the White Witch. So for now, our focus would be on getting Edmund back. And getting to Aslan was the safest way to do that.

The fox left the group after his goodbye, and Mr. Beaver stood up. "Aslan's camp is just over the river."

"A river?" I scoffed. Beaver made it sound like that was an easy ordeal.

"It's been frozen solid for hundreds of years."

"Is it big?" Reya asked.

"Do you expect it to be small?" Beaver retorted.

"Smaller. We are in a wardrobe after all." Reya muttered.

"Complaining isn't going to get us anywhere." Mr. Beaver said, ushering everyone to our feet. "Let's get a move on." We all formed a train behind the beavers and headed off towards the river. 

Reya's POV:
We had been walking for miles, and my feet were killing me. No matter our pace, Beaver was pestering us about moving faster, or complaining how slow we were going. Peter had picked up Lucy on his back, and Susan had fallen into step behind me.

"Peter was watching you sleep."

"That's not creepy at all." I scoffed, but a blush crept onto my face. I hope I'm not an ugly sleeper.

"No it was actually quite cute." She smiled.

"I'm sure he was just thinking about how irrelevant I am, and how I shouldn't be on this trip anyways." Susan shook her head slightly, but before she could respond, a sound of faint bells drifted across the open snow.

"Beaver, didn't you say the Witch rode in a sled?" I asked, my voice trembling.

"Run! Hurry!" Mr. Beaver took off towards the forest on the other side of the clearing. We followed quickly behind him, finding an overhanging rock that was big enough for all of us to hide under. All of us huddled together, trembling, as the bells grew closer and closer.

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