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I stood up, and joined the others in taking off our coats. "Which way to Aslan's-" Peter made eye contact with me, and the words fell from his mouth. His eyes traveled up and down my body, and I was suddenly quite aware of how tight my wet shirt was sticking to me. Peter's eyes darkened, but he quickly looked away. "Ahem, camp." He managed to cough out.

"Just past these trees." Beaver pushed through the brush, and we followed. Susan fell into step beside Peter, while Lucy and I trailed behind.

Peter's POV:
"Enjoying the view?" Susan smiled cheekily at me.

"Excuse me?" I grunted.

"Someone's taking a fancy to Reya." She nudged my side.

"No I'm not." I scoffed. "I can't stand her."

"Whatever you say." Susan smirked, not believing a word. I wasn't totally lying; I didn't particularly like Reya, but she wasn't horrible to look at. It doesn't matter, her stubbornness was quite repelling. We butt heads on just about everything, and I certainly didn't need any more of that.

Reya's POV:
Lucy was going on and on about how excited she was about meeting Aslan, but I wasn't paying much attention. Susan nudged Peter; she was obviously teasing him about something. Peter seemed to have no interest however, and sped up to get away from his sister. Although I had developed a crush on the boy quite quickly, it had all but faded. His stubbornness was unbearable, as I couldn't say more than a few words to him without starting an argument. No matter, we would soon be out of Narnia, and they would all return to London, leaving me with the Professor and my books.

"Wow." Lucy exclaimed, pulling me from my thoughts. A woman had formed from flower petals, and Lucy and I waved to her. She smiled at us before disappearing into the wind.

"I suppose we're getting close." I remarked, as Lucy quickened her pace. We suddenly entered a large field that was filled with yellow and red tents. Creatures of all kinds filled the area. From centaurs to bears to fauns, every kind imaginable was there. They all turned to look at us, and Lucy reached for my hand.

I could hear a few whispers about "...a third daughter of Eve..." and "...who is she..." and a blush grew on my face. I tried to keep my shoulders back, but my confidence was wavering. I hoped Aslan had some answers for me.

We reached one of the largest tents, which I assumed was Aslan's. Peter raised his sword to a centaur who was in front of the tent. "We're here to see Aslan." A breeze swept across the clearing, and the creatures kneeled as the tent flap was pulled back. A large golden lion stepped from inside, and the Pevensies and I kneeled in awe. The lion shook his mane, and I was immediately drawn to him. His honey brown eyes glistened in the sun, and my body was filled with warmth. He radiated everything the Witch did not. Goodness, warmth, hope.

"Welcome Peter, son of Adam. Welcome Susan, Lucy, and Reya, daughters of Eve." When he said my name, I was filled with pride. If he knew my name, I must have some importance in this land. I can't be totally irrelevant. "And welcome beavers. But where is the fifth?" Aslan continued.

"That's why we're here sir, we need your help." Peter said, rising from his knee. "Our brother has been captured by the White Witch."

"Captured? How could this happen?" The lion asked.

"He betrayed them your Majesty!" Mr. Beaver called, and a rumble spread through the surrounding animals.

"Then he has betrayed us all!" The centaur beside Aslan exclaimed.

"Peace, Oreius. I'm sure there's an explanation." Aslan said, turning back to us.

"It's my fault really, I was too hard on him." Peter said, his shoulders dropping a bit.

"We all were." Susan supported her brother.

"Sir he's our brother. There must be something you can do." Lucy begged.

"I know dear one. But that only makes the betrayal all the worse. This may be harder than you think."


We had made ourselves at home in one of the tents, which were really quite comfortable. Lucy, Susan, and I shared one while Peter had one to himself. I was sitting on the steps outside of our tent, watching Peter and Aslan on top of the hill. "You two need to admit your crushes for each other already." Susan said, sitting down next to me.

"Susan, I don't have a crush on him. Sure, I found him attractive at first, but I could never be with him. He's too rude." Susan let out a small chuckle.

"I know he seems that way Reya, but he's just trying to hide his true feelings."

"I don't think so Su." I sighed, and tried to change the subject. "How do you like the camp?"

"Oh it's wonderful! Aslan is all you could ask for in a leader. Everyone here would follow him into any battle with no hesitation." She explained.

"It's truly inspiring isn't it? You all will be their leaders soon." I said, referring to the prophecy.

"I don't know Reya. It's frightening. How are we ever supposed to lead an army? We're just children." Susan fidgeted with her bow. "I don't even know how to use this."

"Oreius mentioned training sessions each day, so I'm sure you'll soon be a pro." Susan gave me a small smile of thanks.

"I'm going to rest my eyes for a bit before dinner." She said, standing up and walking back into the tent. My eyes made their way back over to Peter and Aslan. What could they be talking about?

Peter's POV:
I made my way up the hill, looking out over Narnia with Aslan. In the distance, a castle gleamed atop a hill. "That is Cair Paravel, the castle of the four thrones. In one of which you will sit as High King." King. The word had been thrown around many times since we had arrived in Narnia, but I was taken aback every time someone used it for me. I'm only sixteen, how am I supposed to lead an entire kingdom?

"You doubt the prophecy?" Aslan sensed my hesitation.

"No. I'm just not what you all think I am." I ran my hand through my hair nervously.

"Peter Pevensie, formerly of Finchley. There is a Deep Magic, more powerful than any of us, that rules over Narnia. It defines right from wrong, and governs all of our destinies."

"I couldn't even protect my family." I muttered.

"You've brought them safely this far."

"Not all of them. And Reya helped us get here just as much as I did." Without her, Lucy probably would have been eaten by a wolf or drowned by now.

"Ah the third Daughter of Eve." Aslan paused for a moment, and the wind danced through his mane. "She has a delicate future."

"What do you mean?" But Aslan said nothing more, and only gazed across his camp. I followed his eyes, and saw Reya sitting on the steps outside of the girl's tent. She was talking to Susan, her eyebrows furrowed. She was always worried about something. Susan got up and made her way inside the tent, leaving Reya alone once again.

"Tell her I would like to speak to her please." Aslan said, turning away from me. I said nothing more, and made my way down the hill towards the blonde haired girl.

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