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Reya's POV:
I stood up, getting ready to head back into the tent when someone cleared their throat behind me. I turned around, seeing Peter. "Aslan wants to talk to you."

"Oh ok." I responded. "What did you talk to him about?"

"Nothing." Peter mumbled, and began to walk off towards his tent.

"Fine be like that." I scoffed.

"It's not like it involves you!" Peter snapped, spinning around. "You're not-"

"A part of the prophecy. Yeah I know! I know Peter! I'm not important, I'm not special, I'm irrelevant!"

"You're right! Why couldn't you have been taken instead of Ed? Then we wouldn't have had to worry about getting anyone back, and could have just left you with the Witch!"

"Well I'm sorry to inconvenience you." I scoffed, storming off towards Aslan. As much as I didn't want to admit it, Peter's words stung. I knew I wasn't a part of the prophecy, but I still hoped I had a place in this world. That I would be of some importance. That I meant something to at least someone.

I took a deep breath as I reached the top. I hoped the lion hadn't heard too much of the screaming match below. "Reya, thank you for joining me." Aslan said as I stepped beside him. "I'm sure you have many questions."

"Where do I even start?" Aslan chuckled. "Why am I here Aslan? If I'm not a part of the prophecy..."

"Your future is one of great turmoil I'm afraid." Aslan started, turning to face me. His honey eyes peered into me, but not in an uncomfortable way. They warmed my insides, and helped ease some of my insecurities. "There are some difficult choices you will soon be faced with, most of which will greatly alter you and the Pevensie's future."

"Do you know what those choices are?"

"I'm afraid not. Although one is approaching quickly." My heart rate sped up. I had been preparing for my role as a helping hand to the Pevensies, not one of making decisions that would affect all of our futures. "May I offer you a piece of advice Reya?"

"Of course Your Majesty."

"I know a lot has changed for you recently. Don't let that overwhelm you from taking advantage of the smaller moments. Letting those slip by is often one's biggest regret."

"Thank you Aslan." He spoke in riddles, much like the Professor. Never explaining what he truly meant, and leaving me with almost no information after our conversation. At least he hadn't mentioned the argument. My head was spinning as I made my way back down the hill.

I saw Peter was leaning against the side of his tent, and made my way as far away from him as I could, when a horn blared through the forest. Peter was suddenly beside me, and I could hear him mutter, "Susan's horn." Without another word, we took off into the woods.

After a few minutes, we broke through to a small river. Across from us Susan and Lucy had climbed into a tree. Wolves was snapping at their feet, Maugrim leading the attack.

"Get back!" Peter yelled, charging across the river with his sword held high.

"Peter!" Lucy called as the wolves circled him.

"Come on boy. We've been through this before. We know you don't have it in you." Maugrim taunted Peter. I could see a second wolf sneaking around behind the boy, getting ready to pounce.

"Look out!" Susan tried to warn her brother. Before Peter had time to turn around, I threw my dagger at the wolf with deadly accuracy, and he was soon a pile of fur on the ground. Peter met my eyes as I made my way over, and pulled my dagger from the dead animal. I heard movement behind us, and turned to see Aslan and a few soldiers appear in the clearing.

"Stay your weapons. This is Peter's battle. You too Reya." I glared at Peter before sliding my dagger back into its holder, and joined Aslan.

Maugrim circled Peter, growling. "You may think you're a king, but you're going to die like a dog!" He yelled, lunging at Peter. I let out a gasp, as Susan and Lucy screamed. Peter was covered in wolf, and it didn't look good for the boy. I ran over to him, ready to help if needed. But through the wolves back glinted the edge of Peter's sword. He had done it. Peter pushed the wolf's body off of him, and sat up.

Lucy and Susan jumped down from the tree, and enveloped their brother in a hug. He groaned, but seemed obviously relieved. Aslan ordered a few of his men to follow the other wolf to the Witch's camp, and then turned to face us. "Clean your sword Peter."

Peter gingerly rose to a knee, wiping his sword on the grass. Alsan placed a paw on his shoulder. "Rise. Sir Peter Wolf's-Bane, Knight of Narnia." A grin spread across Peter's face, and I rolled my eyes. Just one more thing to magnify his ego.


Our entire way back to camp had been filled with Peter bragging about how he was a knight now. It was now dinner time, and there had been barely a moment without a mention of today's events. The more I was around Peter the more I understood Edmund's dislike for his brother.

"He's so damn cocky." I muttered to Susan who giggled.

"He's just showing off for you."

I grunted. "Yeah right. He hates me, and the feeling is mutual."

Susan just rolled her eyes, turning back to her siblings. I pushed my food around my plate, thinking about today's events. Even after our argument, I had saved Peter's life without hesitation. I'm sure he wouldn't do the same for me.

I tried to distract myself from my thoughts with Lucy and Susan's conversations, and it was soon finally time to go back to our tents. We stood up and made our way out of the dining hall, where Aslan was waiting. "Pevensies, Reya." I gave the lion a small smile, but my heart dropped  at the fact that he had separated my name from the others. I felt Peter smirk beside me, and I wanted nothing more than to continue our argument from earlier.

"I'm sure you will be glad to hear that your brother is coming back tomorrow."

Lucy squealed beside me, and ran to give the lion a hug. "Thank you Your Majesty! Did you hear that Su? Edmond's going to be here tomorrow!" She exclaimed, and even I couldn't stop the smile that spread across my face.

Edmund was returning.

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