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Light had barely begun to peak through the tent flap when Lucy's feet pattered across the floor. She opened the flap, flooding our room with light. "Lucy go back to bed." Susan groaned, covering her face with her pillow.

"I'm too excited to sleep!" The girl exclaimed, practically bouncing on her feet.

"Just a few more hours Lu." I grumbled, rolling onto my stomach. The girl didn't make a sound for a few minutes, and I sighed in relief that she had gone back to sleep. However, I was soon hit on the head with a pillow, and her giggle filled the room once more.

"Lucy." I groaned. Her only response was another wack to my head. I held my arms up to defend myself, knowing there was no use trying to go back to sleep now. I rolled over and sat up, preparing to retaliate against the girl. Lucy snickered as she ran to the other side of the room where I couldn't reach her. I slid out of bed, and whacked her with my own pillow. We turned to our next target, who still had her eyes closed.

We quietly made our way to either side of the bed. I held my pillow above my head, and mouthed a countdown from three. Once I reached one, Lucy and I brought our pillows down on Susan, who screamed. "Not funny!" She exclaimed as we both ran away laughing. She rubbed her eyes, and sat up, yawning.

"Come on Susan, Ed's coming back!" Lucy exclaimed, rushing over to her trunk to put on a new dress. Susan sighed, making her way over to her own. I pulled out a loose off-the-shoulder tan top with a dark green skirt. Tucking the shirt into a brown belt, I placed my dagger on my hip, and tried to smooth my blonde hair as much as I could.

I turned to face the other girls. Lucy had chosen a mid-length light blue dress, and Susan had paired a white shirt with a dark brown skirt. "You look beautiful Reya." Lucy exclaimed, causing a blush to creep onto my cheeks.

"As do you Lu. And you as well Susan." I smiled at the other girls as we made our way out of the tent. Even at this early hour, most of the camp was already moving around. Some were practicing at the archery targets, while others were making their way to the dining hall.

"Hey girls." Peter's voice sounded from beside me, and I jumped a bit, startled. I shot him a glare, and turned towards the hill. I could feel Peter's eyes on me, but I focused on Aslan and the smaller figure.

"Edmund!" Lucy called as she began to run towards him. I grabbed her arm gently, holding her back. He seemed to be in an important conversation with Aslan, and it would probably be best to let them finish. Edmund turned towards his sister's voice, but continues to talk with Aslan for a moment more. Finally, they both made their way down the hill to us.

"What's done is done. There is no need to speak to Edmund about what happened in the past." Aslan explained, and left us to catch up with the boy.

"Hello." Edmund says quietly, as Lucy and Susan engulfed him in a hug.

"How are you?" Susan asked.

"I'm alright, just a little tired."

"You can rest later. Let's get some breakfast." Peter said, and we made our way towards the dining hall.


Edmund had scarfed down more pieces of toast than I could count, and he didn't seem to be stopping anytime soon. "Narnia isn't going to run out of toast Ed." Lucy joked.

"I'm sure they'll pack some for the journey back." Peter said, and I frowned at him from across the table.

"I hope you don't mean we're going home?" I retorted.

"I promised Mum I'd keep them safe. But that doesn't mean I can't stay behind." I gawked at the boy and his stupid plan.

"Narnia needs all of us. All five of us." Lucy argued.

"It's too dangerous Lu. We just got Edmund back. I don't want to lose another one of you." I'm sure I wasn't included in the "you".

"Which is why we have to stay." Edmund spoke up. "I've seen what the Witch can do. We can't leave these people behind to suffer."

"Well I suppose that it then." Susan said, standing up with her bow. "I'm going to get some practice."


Lucy, Susan, and I had been practicing almost all day. We had all greatly improved since we got here; Lucy and I hit the bullseye almost every time. Peter and Edmund were riding around a few yards away from us, practicing their sword fighting on horse back.

"I'm so glad we're all together again." Lucy smiled as she threw a knife.

"Me too." Susan agreed.

"Do you think Edmund will like me? We haven't talked much." I asked.

"I'm sure you will bond over your dislike for Peter." Susan teased. I shot her a playful glare, but she had a good point.

"Why does Ed dislike Peter so much?" I glanced at the two boys, who appeared to be having a good time for now.

Susan sighed. "I suppose it started when Dad left for the war. Peter took over as head of the house, and started to become more bossy. Ed didn't enjoy being told what to do, and I think he has always been jealous of Peter."

"That makes sense." I said, hitting the bullseye with my dagger. "Is Peter popular back in London?"

"He has a lot of friends, sure." Susan explained. "But he doesn't have many close ones. More quantity over quality I suppose. And no, he doesn't have a girlfriend." She smirked. "He's had a few flings over the years, but nothing serious."

I nodded, and took another glance at Peter. He sword clashed with Edmund's and the muscles in his back tensed. He flipped his sword around, catching Edmond by surprise. In one move he had his sword against his brother's throat, and smiled with victory. He glanced over to us, and caught my eye. I quickly looked away, turning back to Susan. I opened my mouth to ask another question, when Mr. Beaver ran into the clearing.

"The Witch has demanded a meeting with Aslan. She's on her way here."

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