t h i r t e e n

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I lay restless in my bed, not getting a wink of sleep. The rest of the Narnians slowly moved from the dining hall to their respective tents, and the camp was finally silent. After about an hour, I decided it must almost be time for me to join Aslan. I quietly rolled out of my bed, as Susan and Lucy let out soft snores.

I threw on a pair of shoes, and made my way outside. The night air had a bite to it, much cooler than the past few nights. I rubbed my arms, trying to warm the goosebumps that were forming. I wanted to grab something warmer, but I didn't want to risk waking either of the girls.

I could see the shadow of Aslan waiting for me at the base of the hill, and I made my way towards him. "Hello Reya." He smiled grimly. "Are you ready?"

"I suppose." I responded, holding onto the lion's fur as we made our way into the forest. We walked in silence, the only sound was the crunching of twigs and leaves under our feet. If Aslan was nervous he didn't show it; his large body was warm and stable under my touch. I, however, was a nervous wreck. I was unprepared for what was to come, and I was dreading it. The Witch surely had unbelievably cruel things planned for us.

As we walked, a fiery glow soon appeared in the distance. Not long after, cries of animals and drums could be heard. My heart began to beat incredibly fast, and I had to rely on Aslan to keep me moving forward.

We finally reached a clearing, where the noise doubled in volume. Horrible looking creatures filled the area, some holding torches. In the middle, the Witch stood a top a stone table with her dwarf in front of her. I could see that she was holding a stone knife, and my heart dropped. "Aslan..." I whispered, tightening my grip on his fur.

"It will be alright." He said, trying to reassure me with one last glance before we made our way towards the Witch.

The creatures had made a path for us, but they still clamored and jeered at us. Pushing through the crowd, we managed to reach the table relatively unscathed. "Behold the great lion and Daughter of Eve." The Witch sneered, and I glared at her. A minotaur poked Aslan with his axe, before slamming him to the ground.

"Aslan!" I call, trying to help the lion. However, the dwarf stepped in front of me, holding a knife against my stomach.

"Don't Reya." Aslan said softly to me. His eyes were sad and hopeless, an emotion I had never seen from them before. I felt all the fight leave me body, and I became numb. If Aslan doesn't think it wise to fight back, then I wouldn't either.

"Bind them!" The Witch called, and the monsters quickly swarmed us. I was knocked to the ground as rough rope was tightly wound around my arms and legs.

"Let them be shaved." The Witch ordered, and I yelled out as a knife was torn across my hair. A gag was shoved in my mouth, and my eyes watered as I choked on it. Chunks of my once long blonde locks fell around me, but I refused to let any tears fall. I wouldn't give her that satisfaction. My head was soon bare, with only a few uneven clumps of hair remaining. My scalp burned from the animals pulling on it, and my arms and legs were already getting rope burn.

"Bring them to me." The Witch called down to the creatures, and I was suddenly yanked up. I managed to catch a glimpse of Aslan, and he didn't seem in much better shape than me. His once glorious mane had been reduced to small bunches of fur, and his mouth and legs were bound.

I was shoved against the stone table, which sent pain shooting up my side. A cyclops dragged me onto the top, where I was dropped at the Wicth's feet. She rolled me over with her foot, so I was forced to look at her. She shook her head at me, a look of disgust on her face. Aslan was soon thrown beside me, and she knelt down beside him.

"You know Aslan I'm a little disappointed in you. Did you honestly think by all this you could save the human traitor? You are giving me your lives, and saving no one. So much for love." She chuckled wickedly, standing up to face the crowd.

"Tonight the Deep Magic will be appeased! But tomorrow, we shall take Narnia forever!" The drums began to speed up, and my body began to shake. "In that knowledge, despair, and die!" She yells as she plunges the knife into Aslan's chest. I let out a choked scream, as the lion's eyes widened, and then slowly closed. Tears began to stream down my face, as my body was racked with sobs. Alsan was dead.

"And now for you, girl." The drums quieted, and The Witch smirked as she knelt down beside me. "Such a useless waste of a life." She dragged the now bloody knife along my jaw, and came to a stop at my throat. "What a shame you won't be here to watch your friends die under my knife as well."

I tried to yell, to fight back, anything; but my restraints held tight. "Oh well." She sighed, standing up. "Let the deal be complete!" She called out as her hand plunged for my abdomen. I felt a sharp pain for an instant, but my body was quickly filled with warmth. It spread from the tip of the knife to the rest of my body. Once it reached my head, my eyes slowly began to drift closed. The last thing I saw was the Witch standing up to address her creatures as everything faded to black.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 01, 2021 ⏰

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