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The way back to my tent was a blur. The crowd had dispersed while I was inside, which I was grateful for. I wandered aimlessly, my head spinning. Should I tell anyone of my fate? Would that make it better or worse? Would they even care?

"Reya!" Susan's voice snapped me from my trance, and I spun around. The girl ran up to me, a worried look on her face. "Are you alright? What did you and Aslan talk about?"

"Oh, um, just battle plans." I mumbled, avoiding eye contact.

"Are you sure?" She shifted a bit, trying to meet my gaze.

"Um yeah. I'm going to go get some more practice in." I said, turning away and making my way towards the forest before she had time to respond. I began to run. Slowly at first, but I soon reached a full sprint. I was gasping for air, but the pain distracted me from my impending future.

I finally slowed to a stop, leaning against a tree. My eyes began to brim with tears, and I sunk to my knees. I would be leaving this world just as I had lived. Unloved, unwanted; just an ordinary girl who wouldn't be remembered. Tears were now streaming down my face, and sobs racked my body. Maybe it's a good thing that I will finally be free of this cruel world.

A twig snapped behind me, and I spun around towards the noise. "Go away." I muttered at the blonde haired boy, wiping tears from my face.

"Are you ok?" Peter asked, walking closer to me.

"It's not like you care." I snapped, standing up. "A king shouldn't dwell in the problems of his servants." I tried to push past him, but he grabbed my wrist. Electricity shot up my arm, but I ignored it.

Peter examined my tear stained face. "What happened?" He asked, more gentle than I had ever seen him before.

"Nothing." I whispered.

"Please tell me."

"Why Peter? I'm irrelevant! A rock in your shoe. You haven't wanted me here since day one, so please just leave me alone!" I yelled, trying to move past him again. Peter only tightened his grip on me, and I almost screamed in frustration.

"I'm trying to help you!" He finally snapped, growing angry.

"Well I didn't ask for your help! I can handle things on my own!" I shoved his chest, trying anything to make him let go.

"You're so damn stubborn." He muttered.

"Like you're any better! I hate you Peter Pevensie! I wish I had never followed you into this closet!" I screamed, pushing him harder.

"Why don't you just leave then?!" He yelled back, grabbing my forearms so I couldn't shove him anymore. However, this pulled me closer to him, our noses practically touching.

"Because I'm saving your brother, you idiot!" His eyes flashed with confusion, and this seemed to snap him from his anger. He realized just how close we were, and he glanced down at my lips. My breath caught in my throat, and I could practically hear my heart pounding through my chest. Before I had the chance to back away, Peter closed the gap between us.

The moment his lips met mine, my heart exploded into a thousand butterflies. This was my first kiss, but I knew it was different that any other. His lips fit into mine in a desperate, passionate puzzle. I wrapped my arms around his neck, and he wrapped his around my waist. The world faded around us as I melted into him. It felt so comfortable, like it was something I had done a thousand times. Kissing Peter felt like coming home.

I finally pulled away, resting my forehead on his, both of us breathing hard. I closed my eyes as the terrible, frightening world came rushing back in. "I have to go." I whispered, and took off towards camp. I heard Peter call out for me, but I ignored him. I shouldn't have done that. I shouldn't have kissed him. It would just be more painful for both of us.

Maybe I shouldn't sacrifice myself for Edmund. I selfishly thought to myself. No. I need to do this. Edmund is needed, I am not. One kiss doesn't change that. Peter didn't feel what I did. He's had a hundred kisses with other girls, and this one was no different. He probably regrets it already.

A few tears rolled down my face, and I brushed them off as I made my way back into camp. The sun was already beginning to set, and I felt like throwing up. Time was quickly slipping away from me, and there was nothing I could do to stop it.

I saw lights coming from the dining hall, but the last thing I wanted to do right now was sit with the rest of the group, and pretend like everything was fine. Especially if Peter showed up. So I turned towards the girl's tent, and made my way inside. Once I closed the flap, I was engulfed in darkness.

I slipped off my outfit from today, and pulled on a more comfortable shift dress. I laid down in bed, and pulled the comforters up to my neck. Maybe if I stay hidden the monsters outside can't reach me.


I was alone with my thoughts for a few hours until the flap was pushed back by a giggling Lucy and Susan. "Reya?" Lucy walked over to my bed.

"Lucy, sh! She's trying to sleep." I hoped the youngest would listen to her sister, but I was not so lucky. Lucy rubbed my shoulder, trying to wake me.

"Reya? Can I talk to you?" I grumbled, and rolled over. So much for having a peaceful last few hours.

"What?" I snapped, and Lucy's face flashed with hurt. "Sorry." I said softer, pulling the young girl into my lap. "What's up Lu?"

"Are you feeling ok? Susan said you seemed upset earlier, and after you didn't join us at dinner, we were worried."

"Yes I'm alright. I was just a bit overwhelmed seeing the Witch. She's scary isn't she?" I forced out a chuckle, and Lucy giggled.

"Really scary. You can defeat her though."

"Oh Lu. I think that's Peter's job." I said, stroking her hair.

"He needs you to be there to help him though. Otherwise he'll get himself killed." I smiled at Lucy. She was such a pure soul, and I could only hope this battle wouldn't take too much from her. It's not like you'll be there to see it.

I shook the thoughts from my head as Lucy let out a big yawn. "Get some sleep. You've got another busy day tomorrow."

"You mean we've got a big day tomorrow." Lucy corrected.

"Of course." I feigned a smile as she climbed into her own bed. Susan watched her sister, and then turned to me. I could see she had something else she wanted to say, but I laid back down before she had the opportunity. She was silent for a few moments more, before she climbed into her own bed.

"Goodnight everyone." She called to the quiet room.

"Goodnight." Lucy responded.

"Night." I whispered, a lone tear rolling down my cheek.

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