Chapter 7-Can I get a raincheck?

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This chapeter is a little boring sorry......and sorry it took me a long time to udload it!

Chapter 7

I was putting papers in the teachers mail boxes when I got a call from the schools nurse saying that I needed to get down to her office as soon possible. I dropped what I was doing and ran. I didn't;t even stop to tell Mrs. Jones (who looked at me in panic). I was almost to the nurses office when Jake came running towards me and looked scared. I grabbed him and he just cried. When I got there I saw Jessie crying and holding his arm.

"Oh my what happened?"

"He fell of the jungle gym and I think he might of broke his arm" The nurse said

"Oh my lets go I need to get you to the hospital"

I put Jake down and picked up Jessie and started to leave. I stopped by the office and quickly told Mrs. Jones to let Mr. Colt know. I put Jessie in the car and Jake climbed in. I got in and took off. I got to the hospital and they took Jessie right away. I was waiting for him to get down with the x-rays when my phone rang.


"Heather is everything OK Mrs. Jones told me what happened" Declan said

"I am not sure yet I am still waiting for him to get back from getting the x-rays" I took a deep breath "I think i am going to need a rain-check on tonight"

"Sure don't worry about it. Just make sure your boys are OK...let me know if there is anything I can do"

"Thanks Declan. I go to go now" I hung up as soon as the Doctor came in to tell me that Jessie in fact broke his arm. My poor baby.

Its been three days since I last talked to Declan and tomorrow is Monday which means back to school. I was watching the boys play some video game when my phone rang...

"Hello...yes this is her...Excuse me...!" I sat there and listen to the secretary of Tom Young (you know the CEO of Bella!) She was telling me about some photo shoot that Tom wants me to do but I will have to be gone for a week. She said I will have to make arrangements for the boys and will have to leave tonight. "So let me get this straight I don't have a choice in this...OK I see...Someone named Lacey will be here at 6:45 to pick me up? OK I will be ready"

I hung up the phone and called everyone I could think of to watch the boys but everyone told me that they couldn't. I am so screwed. That's when my phone rang again.

"Hello Kate whats up?"

"Heather OMG we should grab dinner tonight...I am bored and I thought we could hang out"

"Well I would love to but right now I am trying to find someone to watch the boys this week because I was just told I have a shoot that I have to do for Bella and its a week long job, but everyone I have called can't watch the boys"

"Oh well maybe I can help I have this week off so I could watch them I don't think Declan would mind either. I could come hang out and then when its time I will just bring them back here!"

"Really you would do that?" I heard Kate yell at someone and then I heard Declan

"Hey bro I am going to watch the twins this week Heather has some photo shoot for Bella and will be gone all week is it OK if they stay here?" I could here everything they said

"Um...Heather has a photo shoot this week? " Declan said and paused "Uh yeah the boys can stay here that's uh fine'

"Cool, Heather its all good I got you covered hon. I will be over there in a sec to help you pack when are you leaving?"

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