Chapter 15-The talks!

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Thanks for all the comments and to everyone who guessed who the unknown was! This chapter is dedicate to OlaWanDee, ChesshireCat, and eclipseprincess. Because Teresa32 guessed first she got the actuall dedication! Thanks again to everyone who guessed!

Chapter 15


"You might want to grab that bottle too" He stopped and grabbed the bottle laughing.


"So what is you want to talk about?" He asked dragging out the 'o' is so.

"Well, um let me refill my glass first" I grabbed the bottle from him and poured while he looked at me with concern. "I am a little confused. So I am just going to come out and say it"

"OK then out with it woman!" He joked while I glared at him.

"What are we?" I shut my eyes not wanting to look his way.

"Humans the last time I checked" I opened my eyes to find the ass smirking at me.

"I know that you ass! I mean are we considered friends or are we dating, or what?"

"Heather, I would hope by now that I would be considered your friend and I have already told you that I want to get to know you better. Where is all this coming from?"

"I do consider you as a friend but I don't get what you mean by wanting to get to know me better. Call me naive but to me that statement can mean a lot of different things. As far as where did this all come from...Well at the doctors Jake asked me something and it got me thinking and before you ask what it is that he said I'm not telling you!"

"What do you want it to mean?"

"Don't give me that. I am asking you what you meant by it"

"Well Heather the more time I spend with you the more I want to know. Your beautiful, caring, intelligent, your strong and well you intrigue me! I like you Heather your an amazing mother and friend-"

"So that's what we are then friends" I have to admit my heart sunk in my chest at that.

"If that is what you want then I am OK with it just to have you in my life. I do care for you and would like to see if we could develop into more" I looked him in the eye and he seemed nervous "I just don't want to jump into anything that either of us are not ready for. I mean you just found out that your EX is still alive and I found my EX in bed with another man not to long ago. But if your willing then I am here."

I didn't know what to say. I was speechless as I just looked at his nervous features on his face. I took a deep breath and leaned closer to him. I pulled him into a hug and felt him relax a little. After about a minute of being in his arms I pulled away but not completely. I then did the unthinkable and kissed him. He didn't respond right away maybe he was shocked. Before I could pull out of the kiss he kissed me back!

"So does this mean I can take you out on a date?" He asked

"Of course I would love that."

"I will start making some plans! Oh I almost forgot you know that meeting I had today?"

"Yes" I said with a puzzled look.

"Well it seems your EX wanted to have a chat with me. He pretty much told me to stay away form you and the boys. But that is not going to happen anytime soon specially after that kiss you just gave me" He winked at me.

"Oh by the way this game isn't over between us so lets make things more interesting shall we!"

"What do you have in mind?"

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