Chapter 8-Trouble Trouble and More Trouble!!!!

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I know its been a while but I am getting back into my grove of things!!! Enjoy!

Chapter 8

When I got back to my apartment with the boys and Kate I had to finish my packing. I darted into my room and shut the door. I threw my last minute things into my bag and sat down for a second. I got this terrible feeling that something is going to happen and its not going to be good. My phone buzzed letting me know I got a text. I opened my phone and read:

Declan: Sorry about what happened at the diner. Please let me take you to dinner when you get back. XOX

I reread the text and mentally had an argument with myself about whether or not to go. It must of taken me a while because my phone buzzed again.

Declan: Please!

Me: Declan let me think about it OK. I will let you know before I get home.

I looked at the clock and saw that this person is suppose to be here any minute. I grabbed my stuff and went to the living room where Kate and the boys was.. I was hugging the boys and giving them lots of kisses when there was a knock on the door. Kate answered it.

"Son of a bit-"

"What is it Kate?"

"Oh this is going to be interesting isn't it?" Where have I heard this voice before. I turned the corner and there stood Lacey the girl from the diner. Oh great!

"That's, that mean lady from the diner mommy." Jake said

"Now boys you be good for Kate and Declan, and please behave in school. I love you both so very much!" I choose to ignore the fact that Lacey stood there and that Jake called her mean.

"We love you too mommy! Call us everyday!" Jessie and Jake both said.

"Come on boys I think Declan said he has something for the both of you and your going love it!" Kate said as she winked at me

"Wait Kate what do you mean?"

"You will have to ask Declan to find out" She said with another wink and left. I just finished putting my bag into the trunk and got into the car with Lacey when my phone buzzed:

Declan: So I heard you was with the bitch! Sorry.

Me: Yep its not to bad yet, but we just got into the car and I am already getting dirty looks.

Declan: Oh she is jealous

Me: Why there is nothing to be jealous about.

Declan: Are you kidding me?

Me: Hey so what did you get the boys?

Declan: Way to change the subject my love. But I got them both Nintendo Ds and some games to go with them.

Me: What! I will pay for them just let me know what I owe you.

Declan: There is no need to repay me they were gifts my love.

Me: Thank you

Declan: Your welcome!

I sat there and reread the whole conversation over again and realized he called me "my love" what is that suppose to mean. He said it not once but twice. Lacey kept looking at me and giving me dirty looks. She has not said one word the whole way to the airport. Finally once we was on the plane she spoke.

"So you are going to be doing this shoot with some male model who is absolutely gourgous I hope Declan doesn't get jealous!"

"Oh I didn't know I would be doing a shoot with some one else and why would Declan get jealous, we aren't together, we are just friends." I stated a little annoyed with her.

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