Chapter Thirty-four: Outer and Inner Storms

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Tul looked over at Max, and he had to remind himself that this was a business trip and not a weekend away with his boyfriend. But it sure felt like it, and it felt good.

It was going to take nearly six hours to get to Isan, but the mood in the car was really cozy. Their bags were in the back. They had packed snacks. There was some music playing in background, but it was low. They talked about whatever came to mind or didn't talk at all and that was just as fine. Tul didn't have any problem admitting that he hadn't felt this good in a while.

Tul thought he would be nervous and tense. Leading up to the trip, he had been anxious, just waiting for something to happen that would prevent him from going.

However, everyone on the team had been pretty subdued about the whole thing. They were determined to treat this trip of his like any other trip. They didn't want to expect too much out of it or have anyone from the outside get the feeling that something special was happening. They weren't as anxious as Tul was –obviously they were only focusing on the potential business relationship that might come out of it—but they were all a little on edge.

They were still recovering from what had happened with Bunmak Farms, and though they knew that their data was more secure and that there were no longer cameras or other spying materials in their office, they were still nervous that Tul's destination wouldn't get out. Max had even insisted on checking his car for tracking devices, something Tul hadn't thought of, to his embarrassment.

But work went on as usual. Wanna had put together a complete packet about Hongtai Farms for him to review on his own while he had had several meetings with Ann and Sukrit who went over the various partnership plans they thought might work. They were particularly interested in Hongtai soap, oils, and lotions and developing a fully organic line for children with sensitive skin. Tul was impressed with their work and hoped Sinjai Hongtai would be, too.

He also didn't want to embarrass Max. He knew that Max was using this connection to give them a chance and that this place was very dear to him. As much as he didn't want Kuhn Sinjai to think she was wasting her time, the most important thing to him about this weekend was that she understood that he valued the chance and valued Max. He didn't want Max to regret his decision to bring him. He didn't want to do anything to hurt Max's relationship to Kuhn Sinjai or the farm.

Tul had been like a kid going on his first school trip that morning, and he had to talk to himself to calm down. Even Pongpat had teased him over breakfast about it. He was all packed up and ready to go before breakfast even though they weren't planning to head out until ten. But once Tul arrived at Max's apartment to pick him up, most of that anxiety went away. Max had been waiting in front of the parking garage with a grin, and soon as Tul saw him, he felt so . . . settled somehow.

It was why, in the car together, it didn't feel like a business trip and more like a date. It was taking all of Tul's will power not to reach over and hold Max's hand when he wasn't shifting.

The level of comfort shouldn't have surprised either of them, even though it still did. They seemed to have always been comfortable with each other after their first meeting. Plus, they were both determined to enjoy this trip, albeit for different reasons.

The car ride went well. After getting out of Bangkok, there really wasn't much traffic on the road. They had stopped once to take a couple of pictures and to stretch their legs. Afterwards, Max had even fallen asleep as he tended to do on long trips when he wasn't the person driving. He awoke to Tul poking him.

"What is it?" Max asked Tul, yawning and trying to stretch as best he could within the constraints of the safety belt.

"Someone keeps calling. It might be important."

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