Forty-eight: Sharing News

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Tul was heading over to Max's apartment. He couldn't wait to tell him what had happened at work, and he didn't want to tell him over the phone. He didn't want to invite him out because he knew he was busy, but he also didn't want to celebrate prematurely. He had already said as much to his team, several of whom wanted to go out that night. He was not going to truly relax until the meeting the following day when hopefully everything would be signed. He was still wary. He knew Plustor wanted this deal stopped.

Interestingly enough, he couldn't tell what Metinee wanted. All he knew was that he actually had public permission to visit Max, and he was going to take it.

After he had finished his presentation, his father had actually applauded. Channarong had stood up, startling Tul by not only rising but also coming to pat him on the back. Even his stepmother had complimented him. Plustor, it seemed, had tried to go back to the Plustor who was trying to help Tul behind his mother's back. He didn't quite pull it off; the more Tul talked, the more he had scowled seemingly without realizing it.

Tul was less concerned about him than he was about Metinee. Such a success by Team 2 was not going to go unchecked. He was itching to get back to his team and to see Max.

"Can I go to my team? I'd like to be able to tell them about the news," Tul said. And in his mind, he thought, "and Max. I want to see Max."

Channarong spoke. "Of course, and you aren't going to ignore Max Nattapol, right?"

Tul looked at him in surprise. Did his father read his mind? Did he look suspicious when he talked about Max?

But before he could say anything, Plustor interrupted. He found Max Nattapol extremely annoying, and if he didn't like him before, he positively despised him now.

"Isn't he gone working on that book of his?"

"Yes, but Tul should thank him," his father replied. "He's clearly the reason why this whole thing came about. Do you think anyone from Shilapath would have been invited to visit Hongtai Farms otherwise? The only time I have been there was when the entire Wang Kai delegation was touring the province farms, and we only had a quick tour and dinner. We never got to see the labs. Tul got a full tour of the entire enterprise plus the new labs. That was due to Max's introduction, wouldn't you say, Tul?"

"Yes. Kuhn Sinjai treats Max like he's family. She even had us try something that she's currently working on in the lab. Seems like she frequently asks him to do this. She had been wanting him to come visit, so she could ask his advice about all the requests she's been getting from companies like ours. The requests have been steadily increasing these last two years."

Plustor finally lost his patience and rolled his eyes. "What is with all these women adopting Max Nattapol? I don't see the attraction. I mean we all know he's not sleeping with them."

Channarong took a step towards his younger son to say something, but Tul's icy voice stopped him.

"These women you speak of, Plustor, took him under their wing when his mother died. I remember how alone I felt when I lost my mother, so I'd never begrudge someone who got the warmth of family after such a loss."

The room quieted immediately as both Channarong and Plustor nervously glanced at Metinee in turn. They both knew how she used to react whenever anyone hinted at Tul's mother in front of her. Tul's eyes, however, never wavered from Plustor, and Metinee watched this with interest.

This Tul she saw was not the same Tul of years ago. It wasn't just that the natural gifts that she had tried to squash had come back, but this Tul was not only very smart—she had been genuinely impressed by the presentation—but he was calm and calculating in a way he had never been. The passion was still there. His love of his mother was still deep, which didn't surprise her, but his unflinching willingness to bring her up to defend another motherless person showed a particular level of steel within that she had not predicted. This Tul could be dangerous if prodded.

Melted: A MaxTul AU storyWhere stories live. Discover now