Ninety-Four: Always Looking at You

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Author's Note: Here we are at the last chapter. The next chapter is just going to be all the pictures of people I cast for roles in this if I were going to film it as a drama. A couple of you suggested it, and I thought it was a great idea. 

I do want to thank everyone who has stayed with me this long and kept reading. This story doesn't have as many readers as other fan fics, and someone suggested I change everyone and make it a story about other people to not have it confined to just MaxTul, but I don't mind that for now. I'm grateful for all of you readers. You don't know much your comments (your outrage, your tears, your "let's get on a bus and attack Metinee" group thinks) really helped me through this time of pandemic and protest.

I also apologize for making everyone wait so long for the end. Work is just really busy, and now we are in budget season which is especially hard when everyone's budget is being cut. I don't want to wait anymore to post it since I have another full day. Please ignore any typos.

I will be writing some side stories about other characters and filling in some background in a future collection titled"Melted One-shots," but this probably won't happen until the semester is over.

I hope you the end/beginning.

Suggestion: click on video and listen to song while reading the beginning of chapter.


Max stood thinking that he knew people cried at weddings, but he never though he would cry so much at his own wedding. Before the twins did their "show," he had watched as Chalida had walked down the aisle beside Tor and then Itty walking down the aisle beside Prin. During the rehearsal, Chimon had played a song on an electric keyboard while they walked and Chalida had been like a military general making sure they followed the specific timing of the song. She had only been gentle with the twins; everyone else, including the twins' parents, were expected to have the precision of a Rockette.

During the rehearsal, he had felt like the tune was familiar, but he really hadn't paid much attention. He was focusing on his friends and how much fun it was to watch them all make their way through something that should have been an easy marchbut turned out not so easy because they were laughing so much and enjoying teasing Chalida who complained that she needed more female friends. He could tell, though, that she was happy for him because every once in a while, he saw her tearing up up watching them. She had whispered to him at one point how happy she was for him and how she had wanted him to find love, real love, even more than wanted to find it for herself.

However, what he didn't know was that Kuhn Bagnet had been rehearsing with Chimon to sing at their wedding. He had asked her, but she had declined. He hadn't pressed because he knew that she always had mixed feeling about singing in public and because he felt like she was already doing too much and should be resting more. So when the music and the procession started, an already teary Max started crying more when he heard her voice. And as he listened to the lyrics, he knew why she had picked the song. Both words and music and tone seemed to fit him and Tul's journey to their love.

Tul was listening to the words with tears in his eyes as well, and he was happy that he was walking down the aisle with his mother with Max behind him (walking with Tantӓ Clara) because he was not sure that he would have been able to watch Max's back listening to the song without running up and grabbing him from behind. He smiled a bit at what Chalida would do to him after if he messed up her "one job" as she had put it. But the smile disappeared, and his tears came back when Kuhn Bagnet got to the line in the song where she sang,

"And all of the steps that led me to you
And all of the hell I had to walk through
But I wouldn't trade a day for the chance to say, my love, I'm in love with you"

Melted: A MaxTul AU storyWhere stories live. Discover now