Chapter twenty-four: Games

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Author's Note: More Than a Game Café is a real place, but once again I'd like to remind everyone that I've never been to Thailand, so I don't know whether this is a place where you get counter or table service. Anyone who decides to go, please let me know. Take a look at their website. Their game collection is truly amazing.


Max rushed out not noticing that Tul watched his departure with a somewhat frustrated look. He was excited to finally be able to have lunch with Itty, something that with their different schedules was hard to arrange.

He wasn't just going to have lunch with him though. Itty's parents had also asked him to come to dinner. He hadn't been able to meet them since he had been back because neither of them had been in the country either. When Max accepted the invite, he'd asked Itty if he still wanted to meet for lunch since he'd see him that evening at his family's place anyway, and he knew that Itty's mom would insist that he stay over.

Itty had protested. "Of course not. I have dibs. You're my friend, and I haven't been able to talk to you really since the party for Chalida. We both know that when you get to my parents', I won't get a word in. Everyone will be asking you all sorts of questions. Between my mom checking in and wanting to know about your apartment, my little sister wanting to find out about Korea since she's going to study there, and my dad trying to pressure you into selling your book rights, I will never find out anything."

Max laughed at the memory as he walked into the The Game Café looking for Itty, wondering what game he chose since it was his turn. He laughed again thinking about the last time they were able to come here and how they kept having to keep paying to stay because they kept talking and playing for so long.

It's funny that Max hardly ever remembered which board game they played. He just remembered his time with Itty and sometimes Chalida. Itty was the one who liked it the most, and Max had wondered why he didn't bring other people here. Itty said that most of the other people he met didn't find it fun.

Max had thought that this was the main reason Itty hadn't had a relationship that lasted longer than six-nine months. Inevitably, Itty brought a woman he was interest in here, and if they weren't into it, he ended up breaking up with them. It wasn't ever about The Game Café; Itty wasn't that petty. In fact, Max wasn't sure if Itty himself even recognized the pattern. Chalida hadn't until he pointed it out to her.

Max firmly believes that Khun Bagnet's immediate love for the place was the reason Itty had developed a crush on her because, as admirable as she was (and still is), she really wasn't Itty's type at all. He thought to himself that he needed to be on the lookout for a woman who liked board games as much as Itty and then laughed at how much he sounded like his matchmaking Uncle Pong.

He finally found Itty and sat down at the table. Itty had already set out two possible board games: The Alchemist and Escape Room, the Game.

Max stopped by the table to see if Itty had ordered, then came back after he put their order in. Before he could reach out to look at the directions of the game on top, Itty went right for the juggler.

"So what's your relationship with Tul Pakorn?"

"What are you talking about?" Max spluttered out. He then breathed in deeply through his nose and out his mouth; he could feel himself getting control of his heart rate again. He also knew that it was too late.

Itthapat "Itty" Thanit smirked. "Hmph. Don't think I'm going to fall for that placid face. I saw what you looked like right after I asked the question. That's why I asked like that. If I'd given you a chance to prepare, you would have been able to cover up."

"Cover up what?" Max answered, looking through the box in front of him. "He's the director of Team 2, the team I'm shadowing for the book. Uncle Pong is living with him in his fantabulous apartment. He offered because he knows about Uncle Pong's illness and happened to drive us back to Uncle's place one night, which was a ramshackle boarding house."

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