Forty-Nine: Putting the Cards on the Table

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Author's Note: The meeting described below is the one Sinjai was railing to Kuhn Bagnet about in the beginning of chapter forty-six.


At the meeting the following morning, Tul remained fairly quiet and watchful. Sinjai Hongtai had advised him the night before that just because his team was at the center of the conflict he shouldn't be at the center of this fight. This was really between her company and Shilapath, and she intended to win.

He looked around the room. Sinjai was seated on the other side, flanked by her legal team. He was seated about as far away from her as he could get. If he hadn't went to Max's last night, he might have been more nervous about it, but now he thought it would be easier for him to observe from this position. The Pakorns were flanked by their legal team, but also Tik Pholdee had been called in. Tul had heard his opinion about the deal from both his stepmother and his father, so he wasn't surprised at the slightly annoyed looked Tik had on his face.

Channarong was ready to sign the deal, but he wanted to give his son and his wife time to air some of their concerns. He knew Plustor's objections were mainly based in the idea that he just didn't want Tul to have this deal, but Channarong had also felt his wife's hesitancy, and he trusted her business instincts. Maybe he was missing something. His wife sometimes saw things that he didn't.

Metinee had been getting frustrated throughout the process. She had not been able to talk to Sinjai Hongtai personally even though the woman had come to negotiate personally. And then once the meeting started, Sinjai Hongtai didn't seem to be interested in forming any sort of bond with her. Her opening small talk went flat, something frustrating to someone who usally was able to charm people with ease.

It was as if the owner of Hongtai Farms already disliked her. She was curious about this since she knew that she has had no dealings with the farm or with any other farm in the area or the field of sericulture. Thus, she wondered why Sinjai Hongtai seemed predisposed against her. A partnership with Hongtai Farms would truly be a first. They had no history, so from where did the negativity come?

It wasn't as if Sinjai was rude, she merely responded to Metinee's questions clearly and succinctly; however, instead of responding only to the people asking the questions (which had only been Metinee and Plustor), Sinjai addressed her responses to the whole group. Actually, this strategy was the best way to respond in meetings, but Metinee was used to more deference and flattery. She also got the feeling that Sinjai was merely tolerating her. Another thing she didn't like.

Plustor was frustrated as well. Sinjai Hongtai was, according to his quick research (i.e.—asking Taina for everything she knew about Hongtai Farms), brilliant, rich, and beautiful. She was the owner of one of the most famous company farms in Thailand. It had been family owned for generations. Since she had taken over, she had expanded the business and the farm and had increased the brand recognition ten-fold. Her business was on the royal registry, something even Shilapath was not.

Why was she so insistent on working with Tul? It didn't make any sense to him. What lies had Tul told her? For example, she can't know about his history.

He smiled in an indulgent way, directing it fully to Sinjai. It was the smile that seemed to work on all the aunties. "Please excuse me, Kuhn. But I'm a little concerned at the risk you are taking."

Sinjai looked at him curiously. She noticed that Tul stiffened even though he was on the opposite side and opposite end of the table. She felt like she knew what Plustor was going to say. From what she had heard about him, she was surprised that he had waited so long to use this tactic, but she still felt a bit insulted that he thought the fake concern act was going to work on her.

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