Chapter one

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*suicidal thoughts*

Narrator POV

Tubbo slams his axe on Tommy's shield, Tommy twist and slams the back of his axe into Tubbos' side, not using the sharp side purposely.

"The discs Tubbo, the discs were worth more then you ever were. " Tommy shouts.

Everyone stops moving, stops talking and stops breathing.

"Wha-" Tubbo can't put his feelings into words.

"No no no no. I'm sorry Tubbo, I didn't mean it. " Tommy drops his axe.

Tubbo just stands there frozen.

"Tommy we need to go. " Technoblade grabs Tommy's arm.

He resist him. "But I want to stay with them. " Tommy looks up at Techno. "I didn't mean it. " He looks back at Tubbo with regret.

"But why? They shunned you, they exiled you. " Technoblade looks shocked. "I saved you, I  protected you. I gave you a home when no one else would. Can't you see, their not worth it."

Tommy stops resisting. "Oh, right... "

"Tommy if you side with them, you'll never be allowed near L'manberg ever again! " Tubbo shouts in anger. "And I'll never forgive you. "

"Bye Tubbo. " Tommy turns away. "I'll miss you so much. "

Dream and Techno walks on either side of Tommy. Tommy flips off Dream as they walk through the portal together. They go into hell.

"I'm teaming with Tecnoblade, not you Dream. I'm only gonna listen to him. "

Technoblade moves protectively between Dream and Tommy, and Dream rolls his eyes.

Tommy whispers to Technoblade, "Please don't let him hurt me. "

Technoblade whispers back, "I'll protect you at all cost. And Ph1lza will be there too. "

"Oh! Ph1lza with us too? " Tommy asks them both.

"Yep." Techno smiles at Tommy. "Maybe we can invite Ghostbur to join us. We'll be a family again. "

"But Tubbo is our family too, right? "

"He's adopted, and I've never liked him that much anyways. " He scoffs and whispers, "orphans."

"Oh, ok. " Tommy looks at the lava longingly. He unconsciously moves closer and closer to the edge of the bridge.

Techno hadn't noticed, but Dream had. He grabs Tommy's arm.

"Tommy, it's not your time to die yet. "

He continues to look at the lava, "It's never my time to die. "

Techno looks confused for a second, then shock fills his face. "Woah, there!" He pushes Tommy away from the ledge.

"Dream knows me too well. " Tommy smiles sadly at Techno. "He's a great friend. "

"But you said-" Technoblade starts.

"Leave him be, it's better this way. " Dream interrupts. When Tecno looks away a evil smile spreads across Dreams face.

When they arrive at Techno's house, Ph1lza looks delighted.

"I was debating whether Tommy would stay with us or not. " Ph1l gives Tommy a big hug. "No offense. "

"None taken. It was close, but Tecno helped me see what was wrong with my thinking. " They release their hug. "But I do miss Tubbo though. "

"I will too. "

"Yeah, no. I say 'good riddance'! " Techno chips in.

Everyone laughs a good laugh, but no one notices Dream disappearing.

"Come inside, you two must be freezing. I'll make some hot cocoa. "

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