Chapter nine

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Narrator POV

As he falls he throws an ender pearl and it hits Tommy. Dream attacks Tommy with all his strength and anger. Tommy only had time to block with his axe and shield.

He gets backed up to the edge of the beams, then Dream grabs Tommy's neck and holds him over the edge, his toes just barely grasping the edge.

"Why Tommy? I thought we were becoming friends. " Dream looks at him with fake sadness.

"I'll... Never be... Friends with... You. " Tommy says, struggling for air.

"Watch as your country falls. " Dream smiles. "Flip the switch, Techno. "

Tommy is shocked as he sees Technoblade, armorless standing beside the lever to activate the TNT.

"I'm sorry Tommy, we both know it was never meant to be. " Technoblade says.

Then he flips the switch and Dream drops Tommy.

It's as if the world is moving in slow motion, he falls watching the TNT fall with him, blowing up his country, his home. Dream laughing.

Then he sees Tubbo jump after him. The force of him jumping was barely enough to push them in the water. They tread water and look at each other.

"I'm so sorry. " Tubbo says, eyes filling with tears.

"I'm sorry too. " He grabs Tubbo's arm and drags him out of the water. "Let's never split like that ever again, alright?"

"Agreed." Tubbo replies.

Then they hug as the world burns.

They stand watching the TNT fall and blow up the ground. Tommy wraps an arm around Tubbo's shoulder.

"What now? " He asks.

"Nothing, absolutely nothing. " Tubbo replies.

A few minutes of silence for their country before either of them decides to speak.

"Wanna get out of here? " Tommy asks and points a thumb behind them.

"Yeah. Yeah let's go. "

Then they walk away leaving the chaos behind them and the future in front of them.


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