Chapter five

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Narrator POV

"So we're really gonna do it? " Tommy asks.

"Do what? " Dream says.

"Blow up L'manberg. " Tommy fiddles with the strings on the robe.

"Yeah, well at least me and Techno are, You and Ph1l might be there to keep an eye out. "

"Oh, o-ok. " Tommy takes a deep breath. "I'm not sure if I'm ready for all this destruction. "

"Are you reconsidering? " Dream asks suspiciously.

"N-no, I'm just not the best at PvP, so I just don't want to die. " He looks up at Dream. "I'm just afraid my friends will kill me. I'm not sure if I'm enough. "

Dream takes out his axe, spins and swings his axe at Tommy's neck. Tommy blocks it with his sword just in time.

"What the hell!? " Tommy shouts.

"Let's see if you're enough. "

Their weapons clash together, axe on shield and sword on metal. Tommy starts getting out of breath but Dream's getting on a roll.

"Come on Tommy, you're not even trying. " Dream slams his axe in Tommy's shield, pushing him back.

"If you can't even protect yourself from me, how could you possibly save yourself from the army of L'manberg! "

"I will! I will protect myself! "

"Prove it!"

Tommy feels an anger in himself that he hasn't felt since the end of the last war, after L'manberg blew up the second time.

He charges at Dream with his sword held high, Dream goes for his exposed belly with his axe, but Tommy swerves, switches to his crossbow and shoot Dream side with an arrow.

"DREAM NO! " Technoblade yells. He looks around and sees that Dream is hurt, not Tommy. "Wait, you got a hit on Dream!? "

Dream looks down at the arrow, yanks it out and tosses it to the ground.

"Good job. " Dream says and walks towards the house.

Tommy is breathing heavily and clutching his crossbow for dear life. "Don't push me Dream, or next time I won't aim low. "

Tommy lowers his crossbow, takes off Technoblade's robe and drops it at Techno's feet. Then Tommy just walks away.

Ph1l runs inside. "What the hell was that!? I thought we were on the same side. "

Dream holds rags to his wound, "We are. "

"Then what was that, or so help me I'll send you to spawn. " Techno says with his cape back on.

"I was preparing him. "

"For what exactly? " Ph1l asks.

"To kill Tubbo, once and for all. "

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