Chapter seven

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Narrator POV

"Come on Ph1l, we need to get him! " Technoblade yells as he starts to run towards the nether portal.

He stops and looks back to see Ph1lza just standing there. "Ph1l? "

"I-I can't. " Ph1lza says, looking at the ground.

"Ph1l, we need to go. " Techno walks up to him.

"I can't watch another son die. "

"You won't, we'll save him. "

He looks right into Techno's eyes, "And if we don't! What if they kill you next. "

"Ph1l that won't happen, you know Technoblade never dies. "

"I can't. " Ph1l turns and walks in the house.

Techno stands there debating whether to stay with Ph1l or go save Tommy. He decides to go to Tommy.

He runs through the portal and goes straight for the Dream smp portal, only killing a couple piglins on the way. Right before going through, he chugs an invisibility potion.

Techno goes through the portal and peeks around. He hears screaming in the distance so he follows it. Once in L'manberg he sees the obsidian beams in the sky, that they planned on making, but Dream is fights a few people on it.

Below Techno sees the Butcher Army shoving Tommy in the very execution chamber he was once in. He slips behind them and assesses the situation.

Before he's able to make a plan, Ph1lza jumps off the anvil drop, glides down and punches Quackity in the face. Diversion tactic it is then, Techno thinks.

He jumps from his hiding spot and runs for Tommy. Ph1lza is jumping and running around, screaming like a Banshee, while the Butcher Army chases him.

"Please get me out of here. " Tommy says desperately.

Technoblade realises he had no time to grab a totem, so he quickly breaks the bars of the cage.

"HE'S ESCAPING! " Quackity shouts, and runs for the lever.

Techno almost gets Tommy out, but Quackity switches the lever. Technoblade shoves Tommy out of the way and the anvil lands on Techno, killing him.

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