Chapter eight

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Narrator POV

His stuff splays everywhere, and everyone stops fighting and looks at the chat in disbelief.

"Eh hem, just gonna screenshot that. " Quackity says quietly.

Then the world speeds up again. Tommy picks up Techno's items since the Butcher Army took all his items.

The few who were fighting Dream, stops and jumps down to get Tommy. Ph1lza grabs Tommy and they run. Everyone of L'manberg chases them.

"Tommy to the sewers! " Ph1l yells over the battle.

"I know a shortcut. In the bee house behind a wall down stairs. " Tommy says and steers him towards Tubbo's bee sanctuary.

Ph1l looks back and sees Dream throwing a fishing rod. It catches Tommy and he gets flung up to Dream. The L'manbergians split, one half continues to chase Ph1l and the other half goes to get Dream and Tommy.

"Tommy it's now or never, kill Tubbo. " Dream says and runs to the other side of the beams, all of them follow except Tubbo. Tommy equips Techno's armor and holds the Axe of Peace.

They circle each other on the crossroad, shields held high.

"Surrender and we'll spare you. " Tubbo says and he swings his axe at Tommy, who dodges it. Tommy shoots an arrow from the crossbow and it hits Tubbo shield.

"You know I can't do that. " Tommy says.

Both if the swing their axes and they clash in the middle. He puts his face close to Tubbo's and whispers.

"But you also know this is a fight you cannot win. I have Techno's gear and I shall wield them proudly. "

They break apart and the fight continues. Dream defeats the people he was fighting and walks over to Tommy.

"You're holding back, with what you have and your skill, the fight should have ended already. "

"You're overestimating me, Dream. "

"I am not, we found that out earlier, didn't we. "

"Shut up! "

"Are you forgetting what he did to you? He chose this pathetic country over you, what kind of friend does that. " Dreams voice gets louder as he speaks.

"He never came for you, he never looked for you. And now he's trying to kill you! He wanted you to rot on that beach! "

Tommy thinks of Logsteadshire, the beach and the water that lead to his home. He thinks of waking up drowning. He thinks of the sadness and loneliness he felt, and the tower to the sky.

He also thinks of how Tubbo never came, and what he said, 'the discs don't matter! ' He thinks of the anger he caused him.

The feeling of deep hatred returns to Tommy. The weapons clash until Tommy's axe gets stuck in Tubbo's shield. He steps on Tubbo's foot and pulls on his axe, which makes Tubbo fall. He switches to the crossbow, loads a firework and points it at his face.

"Do it, kill the monster who destroyed your soul. " Dream says.

Something clicks in Tommy's mind when he heard those words.

Everyone watches Tommy, waiting for his next move. They gave up on looking for Ph1lza and those who died from Dream's hand came back. A moment of silence as they watch Tommy.

Tommy spins around and shoots the three fireworks at Dream, which knocks him off.

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