Anime: HunterxHunter - Kurapika

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I swear I only update my stories maybe like 3 times a year. I swear I still write and work on some of my stories but not as often as I should. I spend most of my time trying to take my dreams and writing short stories with them. Anyway I actually made this one shot last year when I was taking Chem in college but found it in a drawer last week. Did some quick changes to it and well here you go enjoy!

Side note: In this one shot you are Chrollo's sibling.

ps I'm doing my best to attempt and make one shots for everyone!


I sat in the hideout hiding by the window seeing the troupe bring in Gon and Killua. What did those kids do to be dragged in here by the others. I kept my distance far away as Hisoka was already close to them. I saw a facial change on Gon after he saw Hisoka. If he were to see me he could end up getting happy. I never know what to expect from that boy so I'll just stay put where I am. I looked away from them and looked at the ceiling. I took an empty card from my pocket and stared at it. Maybe they won't be here for long. I let my nen flow around the card and concentrated.

"(Y/N), do you think the boss will be coming back soon." Shalnark spoke as I kept focus on my card. You had to pick this time to speak to me Shalnark.

"As far as I know he won't be coming back until way later." I said looking at the group. "What makes you ask."

"I think these boys could replace Uvo." I went back to looking at my card, not content with that idea. I allowed more nen to surround the card.

"Well that's quite interesting, they look like kids. I doubt they have much experience in anything that we do."

"Maybe not now but I have faith they can get somewhere." Nobunaga mentioned. I threw my card at him as he dodged it. "Hey! Didn't I mention to stop throwing those cards at me! You can be worse than Hisoka sometimes (Y/N)!"

"We need to focus on our current mission Nobunaga." I stood up and went down finally walking up to them. I stood in front of Killua and Gon giving my best poker face as I pretended to inspect them. I gave direct eye contact to Killua and he knew not to make a single reaction back. "They can't be worth our time. I'm not trying to babysit kids at the moment."

"Listen I know you want to focus on becoming a member of the troupe but I don't think Chrollo will allow you to become a member." The tension in the room filled as I was beginning to get frustrated with Nobunaga.

"Then you can babysit them. I'm heading out." I immediately turned around and walked away from them exiting the hideout. I felt tears welling up in my eyes. I know he is saying the truth but I just have that spark of hope I will become one. I wiped the tears that were falling and kept walking. I made it into the town as I began to walk around seeing the vendors. Just seeing them trying to convince others to buy their products were quite interesting. Some had legitimate good products and others not so much. I kept walking as I refused to make eye contact with the vendors.

"Is that you (Y/N)?" I turned around seeing Leorio walking up to me.

"Oh hey, what brings you here?" I was beginning to get confused on why three out of the four were here in York New City.

"Well, we had decided to meet up here on September 1st."

"How ironic, I was meeting up with some family the day before." I said smiling. "So where are the others?"

"Well I was about to ask if you had seen Gon and Killua. They were with me but then they just disappeared. And about Kurapika, none of us have seen him since we last departed."

"Interesting, he's not one to run late but he is probably roaming around."

"Well I'm going to keep looking for the boys, want to join?"

"I have to do something for my family first. I'll help search once I finish. I don't think the boys will be in that much danger, they should be able to take care of themselves. Keep me posted if you find them!" Leorio nodded as he kept going forward. I kept roaming around the vendors until I found a Jewelry vendor. I completely ignored the vendor as I looked at all the different options. Maybe I should get one for Shizuku. She wasn't able to get the diamond from the arm wrestle match yesterday so she should like it. I looked at the price for it and it was pretty reasonable. I checked my pockets only to find out that I left my money at home. Well I guess I'm gonna have to take it. I stuck my hand out and picked up pretending to inspect the jewel. A few other people stopped by and began to ask questions to the vendor. What good timing. I pretended to place it down on the counter as I slipped it into my pocket. I turned away from the vendor and began to walk away. I felt a hand on my shoulder as I turned to see who did it.

"It's been awhile (Y/N)." hearing his voice again made a smile form on my face. In the short amount of time that I had known him while taking the exam, I had developed feelings for the blonde. Yet, I know better than to try anything.

"Kurapika!" I said as I pulled him into a hug. He returned it as my grin got even bigger. "Leorio had just mentioned to me that the four of you guys were meeting up." I pulled away from the hug as I looked into his grey eyes.

"Yeah, we decided to meet up again after going our own way for some time. I just haven't had the time to go and see them."

"Well you should make time to go and see them! If I had known, I would have spoken to you guys the day you got here."

"Don't worry, I'll go ahead and make time for it. If you'd like to, we can go get something to eat real fast before I go back to what I was doing." He gave a small smile as I nodded at the idea. "Okay, just return the gem you were going to take and we can head over there." My face sunk since Kurapika just saw me stealing. He probably believes that I'm just a thief now. I don't want him thinking so lowly of me.

"Alright." I sighed, taking it out of my pocket and putting it back before the vendor could see me. I kept my head low as I stood in front of Kurapika. He grabbed my hand as I jumped from the sudden contact. I looked at him again to see just a smile on his face. There was no sign of disappointment anywhere on his face. He began to walk as I followed behind him with a faint blush beginning to appear on my face. Maybe I can have a chance with him in the future.


if you actually read this book let me know lmao. I have so many unfinished one shots that I start for fun :p

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 10, 2021 ⏰

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